PM1-01 首次反馈意见搜集
1. 把稿子分段、句子分行、独立控时,分段背稿。Framework, time slot
2. 控时:6分钟一般控制在600个词以内。
1. 向其他人学习,采用站姿,增加肢体语言,拉高镜头,双手出镜。
2. 注重演讲和聆听,从其他人的点评中学习。
3. 保持2-3个锻炼的技能点,持续突破。
1. 语速放慢。(背诵-比赛;分享-演讲)
2. 停顿。关键词语、总结、升华、转折、悬念等使用停顿。transition
3. 语调。根据故事情节,使用更夸张的表现形式,以及不同的情绪(低沉、高兴等)。
4. 生活化。使用生活化的语言,与观众链接。
5. 录音、录像并进行改善。
6. 口语化写作讲稿。Refine, revised to perfect the statement, not email or letter, more like a script or key points.
I am going to deliver a speech on how I have learnt my Korean language, and I also want to share with you why I have to learn it? and how difficult it was on the process.
Sharing by telling story, no script but topics.
This is more natural.
Because every time when you speak.
Words of description come out differently.
Key points keep you on track.
1. Opening on why and where
2. The methods of learning
3. The difficulties faced
4. What assistance I have received