格局大的人都在打坐 一篇带你立刻马上入门东方古老神秘智慧

2018-05-07  本文已影响0人  许美雪
格局大的人都在打坐 一篇带你立刻马上入门东方古老神秘智慧

Taoism was the earliest philosophy, anywhere in the Oikoumene, to surmise that Man, in achieving civilization, might have compromised his position in the Universe by putting himself out of harmony with the spirit of the ultimate reality in which Man lives and moves and has his being.

—Arnold Toynbee

格局大的人都在打坐 一篇带你立刻马上入门东方古老神秘智慧

古老智慧核心概念是Qi(Ki)气 = energy


“The world is not what we try to explore. The world should be what we learn how to merge and exchange with it, so that we can benefit each other and enhance our power and life.”


“The whole world and the cosmos are nothing but qi—that’s all.”

Xin 心 heart mind

Mind: movement of Ki

True heart: still and quite ki

Self Xin: “In Emptiness the supernatural exist.”

The essence of Daoism and Buddhism is to follow the Natural Law. (天道)

Xing 性 the core of Jing, qi, and shen

格局大的人都在打坐 一篇带你立刻马上入门东方古老神秘智慧


人能离自己的真性有多近取决于自己的主观努力self effort。从小听到大的天道酬勤就是这个意思。与后传入我国的佛教不同,土生土长的道家并不是一门宗教。而是一种方式,通过饮食,运动,打坐,草药等自然的方式获得身心灵的和谐,充满觉知地生活工作。而且道家主张有才华的人去竭力改变命运。



