每日一词38 passport

2018-11-07  本文已影响0人  你好Ruby

passport: 基本意思为护照,可引申为“通往.....的保障,获得....的手段”.相当于key/ticket.


1. For some African young people, football is a passport/ticket/ the key to a better life.

2. Many parents and students regards China's College Extrance Examination as a passport to a successful life.

3. A decreasing number of young people consider an urban hukou as a passport to a decent life.

4. Chinese have long seen education as a passport to success, and it is not just the super-rich who have the aspiration or means to send their offspring abroad to attend university.


1. 翻译:

For any city, talent is a passport to prosperity.

2. 场景: 练习和反馈是说好英语的必要途径。

For most English learners, practice and feedback is a passport to fluent speaking.


