小词大用 第十九期 make the most of
在《小词大用》第四期中,我们讲过一个习惯用语——all out,意思是“全力以赴”。今天,我们来讲解一个类似的习语:make the most of。
从这个习语中的“most”来看,大家应该能猜出它的意思。没错,它指的就是“充分利用”或“极为重视”。如果用英文解释,就是“to make something appear as good as possible; to exploit something; to get as much out of something as is possible”。
我们来看一个《经济学人》(The Economist )杂志中的例子:
But the 2010 tragedy could have been an opportunity to work through its institutions rather than around them, making them stronger. Unfortunately, Haiti's friends did not make the most of it.
事实上,除了“make the most of”,英语中还有不少和“most”有关的习惯用语。
不知道大家还记不记得,在《小词大用》中,有提到过“speech is silver, silence is gold”这种说法。这里,也有一个与之类似的表达:empty vessels make the most sound。
“empty vessel”指的是“空的容器”,在这里象征着“foolish, unwise, or stupid people”。“make the most sound”可以理解为“most talkative”。因此,“empty vessels make the most sound”就相当于“无知的人话最多”。
例如,Of course Helen babbles constantly—empty vessels make the most sound.
这也再次说明,有时说得多不一定是件好事。相比而言,看得多有时反而能够获得更多的智慧。在英语中,有一种说法叫作“they that live longest see most”,意思是“older people have had a lot of life experiences”,也就是我们常说的“姜还是老的辣”。
You can always learn something from your elders—they that live longest see most.
的确,多听多看好过说个没完。同样地,忙忙碌碌好过无所事事。在忙碌中,我们可能会发现最高效的做事方式,因而也就拥有最多的时间。英语中,用“the busiest men have the most leisure”来表达这种情况,即“people who finish their work quickly ultimately have more free time”。
Tom has the highest GPA in our class, but whenever I see him, he's playing video games, not studying. I guess it's true what they say—the busiest men have the most leisure.