1. 我对你根本没抱幻想。我知道你愚蠢、轻佻、头脑空虚,然而我爱你。我知道你的企图、你的理想,你势利、庸俗,然而我爱你。我知道你是个二流货色,然而我爱你。为了欣赏你所热衷的那些玩意我竭尽全力,为了向你展示我并非不是无知、庸俗、闲言碎语、愚蠢至极,我煞费苦心。我知道智慧将会令你大惊失色,所以处处谨小慎微,务必表现得和你交往得任何男人一样像个傻瓜。我知道你仅仅为了一己之私跟我结婚。我爱你如此之深,这我毫不在意。据我所知,人们在爱上一个人却得不到回报时,往往感到伤心失望,继而变成愤怒和尖刻。我不是那样。我从未奢望你来爱我,我从未设想你会有理由爱我,我也从未认为我自己惹人爱慕。对我来说能被赐予机会爱你就应心怀感激了。每当我想你跟我在一起时是愉悦的,每当我从你的眼睛里看到欢乐,我都狂喜不已。我尽力将我的爱维持在不让你厌烦的限度,否则我清楚那个后果我承受不了。我时刻关注你的神色,但凡你的厌烦显现出一点蛛丝马迹,我便改变方式。一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。
2. 如果一个男人无力博得一个女人的爱,那将是他的错,而不是她的。
3. 或许是源于一种古老的品格,我因高傲而不屑武力。
4. 织罗罪名容易,证明起来就难了。
5. 亲爱的,当一个男人爱上了你,他说的话是不能字字当真的。
6. 一个男人深深地爱上一个女人,并非意味着他就希望下辈子和她共同度过。
7. 要想理解一个男人的想法,最好的办法就是设身处地从他的角度考虑。
8. 女人往往自以为是地认为男人疯狂地爱上了她们。实际上他们没有。
9. 从这些人生见闻你可以断言,这个世界纯粹是一个充满了诡异、怪诞、荒唐地地方。
10. 我知道你冷漠无情,没心没肺。你自私自利到了言语无法描述的地步。你胆小如鼠,谎话连篇,卑鄙可鄙。而可悲的是,可悲的是我还在全心全意地爱着你。
11. 他的心思那么多,都叫他心生怜爱。他有孩子一样的虚荣心,她会因为这个更加爱他,同情他,安慰他。
12. 和死比起来,其他东西都变得那么渺小。
13. 我觉得你对我有失公正。因为我愚蠢、轻佻、虚荣,你就责备我,这对我是不公平的。我就是这样被教养大的,我身边所有的女孩都是如此......你不能因为一个人不喜欢听交响音乐会,就责备他不会欣赏音乐。你不能强求我不具备的东西,否则对我就是不公平。我从来没欺骗过你,假装我会这会那。我有的仅仅是可爱漂亮,天性活泼。你不能指望到集市的货摊买上珍珠项链和貂皮大衣,你是去那儿买锡做的小号和玩具气球的。
14. 安宁,在工作中是找不到的,它也不在欢乐中,也不在这个世界上或者这座修道院中,它仅仅存在于人的灵魂里。
15. 美丽是上帝赐予的礼物,最罕有、最珍贵的礼物。如果我们幸运地拥有美丽,就应该心怀感激。如果我们没有,那么就应该感谢别人的美给我们带来了愉悦。
16. 河水十分平静,但还是能察觉到水在流动,远远望去,给人一种逝者如斯的悲凉感受。一切都在流走,过去之后可曾找寻到它们留存的痕迹?
17. 既然人世间的一切都是如此短暂易逝,没有什么能够长久留存,而人们常常为了区区小事互不相让,两败俱伤,那不是太可悲了吗?
18. 人类也和这河中水滴一样,永不停歇地流走,彼此摩肩接踵却又相隔万里,大家汇成一股无名的潮流,直至汇入大海。
19. 重要的是爱一个人,而不是被人爱。一个人对爱他的人可以丝毫没有怜悯之心;如果他不爱她,就只会觉得她厌烦。
20. 道。有的人从鸦片里寻求这个道,有的人从上帝那里,有的人投奔了威士忌,有的人想从爱情里寻个究竟。而有了道,你还是什么也没得到。
21. 道也就是路,和行路的人。道是一条世间万物都行走于上的永恒的路。但它不是被万物创造出来的,因为道本身也是万物之一。道中充盈着万物,同时又虚无一物。万物由道而生,循着道生长,而后又回归于道。可以说它是方形但却没有棱角,是声音却不为耳朵能够听见,是张画像却看不见线条和色彩。道是一张巨大的网,网眼大如海洋,却恢恢不漏。它是万物寄居的避难之所。它不在任何地方,可是你一探窗口就能发现它的踪迹。不管它愿意与否,它赐予了万物行事的法则,然后任由它们自长自成。依照着道,卑下会变成英武,驼背也可以变为挺拔。失败可能带来成功,而成功附藏着失败。但是谁能辨别两者何时交替?追求和性的人可能会平顺如孩童。中庸练达会使势强的人旗开得胜,使势弱的人回避安身。征服自己的人是最强的人。
22. 你终将享有宁静,当你忘记了对宁静的渴求的时候,宁静就会降临了。
23. 一个修女光是对耶稣祷告是不够的,她还要成为自己的祈祷者。
24. 只有一种办法能赢得众人的心,那就是让人们认为你是应该被爱的。
25. 我怀疑她们的理想是否镜花水月,并非如此重要。她们的生活本身就已成为美丽的东西。我有一种想法,觉得唯一能使我们从对这个世界的嫌恶中解脱出来的,就是纵使世事纷乱,人们依然不断创造出来的美的事物。人们临摹的绘画,谱写的乐曲,编撰的书籍,和人们的生活。而其中最为丰饶的美,就是人们美丽的生活。那是完美的艺术杰作。
26. 记住,分内之事、举手之劳并不值得夸耀,那是赋予你的责任,就像手脏时要洗手一样理所当然。唯一弥足珍贵的是对责任的爱,当爱与责任合二为一,你就将是崇高的。你将享受一种无法言表的幸福。
27. 她怀疑这世界上人人心里都藏着见不得人的秘密,恐怕被别人瞧上一眼。
28. 我希望是个女孩,我想把她养大,使她不会犯我曾经犯过的错误。当我回首我是个什么样的女孩时,我非常恨我自己,但是我无能为力。我要把女儿养大,让她成为一个自由的自立的人。我把她带到这个世界上来,爱她,养育她,不是为了让她将来和哪个男人睡觉,从此把这辈子依附于他。
1. I have no illusions about you at all. I know you are stupid, frivolous, and empty-headed, but I love you. I know your intentions, your ideals, you are snobby and vulgar, but I love you. I know you're a second-rate, but I love you. I do my best to appreciate the things you are passionate about, to show you that I am not ignorant, vulgar, gossip, and utterly stupid. I know that wisdom will stun you, so be cautious and act like a fool like any man you associate with. I know you are marrying me just for your own selfishness. I love you so much that I don't care. As far as I know, people often feel sad and disappointed when they fall in love with someone and get no return, which then turns into anger and acrimony. I am not like that. I never expected you to love me, I never imagined that you would have reason to love me, and I never considered myself lovable. To me I should be grateful to be given the opportunity to love you. Every time I think of you with me is joy, every time I see joy in your eyes, I am overjoyed. I try my best to keep my love to a limit that doesn't bore you, or I know the consequences I won't be able to bear. I always pay attention to your look, and whenever your boredom shows a hint, I will change my way. The right of a husband seems to me a boon.
2. If a man is powerless to win a woman's love, it will be his fault, not hers.
3. Possibly from an ancient character, I disdain force for pride.
4. The accusation of weaving Luo is easy, but it is difficult to prove it.
5. Honey, when a man falls in love with you, he cannot take his words seriously.
6. A man deeply in love with a woman does not mean that he wants to spend the next life with her.
7. The best way to understand a man's mind is to put himself in his shoes.
8. Women are often self-righteous and think that men are madly in love with them. Actually they don't.
9. From these life experiences, you can conclude that this world is purely a place full of weirdness, weirdness and absurdity.
10. I know you are indifferent and heartless. You are selfish to the point where words cannot describe it. You are as timid as a mouse, you lie a lot, and you are despicable and contemptible. And sadly, sadly, I still love you with all my heart.
11. There are so many thoughts in his heart, which make him feel compassion and love. He has the same vanity as a child, and she will love him more, sympathize with him, and comfort him because of this.
12. Compared with death, everything else becomes so small.
13. I think you are unfair to me. It's not fair to me that you blame me for being stupid, frivolous, and vain. That's how I was raised, and all the girls around me...you can't blame a guy for not enjoying music just because he doesn't like listening to symphony concerts. You can't force something I don't have, or it's unfair to me. I never lied to you, pretending I would do this and that. All I have is cute, pretty, and lively by nature. You can't expect to buy pearl necklaces and mink coats from the market stalls, you go there to buy tin trumpets and toy balloons.
14. Peace cannot be found in work, nor in joy, nor in this world or in this monastery, it exists only in the soul of man.
15. Beauty is a gift from God, the rarest and most precious gift. If we are lucky enough to have beauty, we should be grateful. If we don't, then we should be thankful that the beauty of others brings us joy.
16. The water in the river is very calm, but you can still feel the flow of water. Looking from a distance, it gives people such a sad feeling of the deceased. Everything is flowing away, can you find traces of them after the past?
17. Since everything in the world is so fleeting, nothing can last for a long time, and people often refuse each other for trivial matters and lose both sides, isn't it too sad?
18. Humans are also like the water droplets in this river, they flow away without stopping, shoulder to shoulder but thousands of miles apart. Everyone merges into an unnamed current until it merges into the sea.
19. The important thing is to love someone, not to be loved. A man can have no pity for the one who loves him; if he does not love her, he will only find her bored.
20. Road. Some people seek this way from opium, some people seek it from God, some people go to whiskey, and some people want to find the truth in love. And with Tao, you still get nothing.
21. The way is the way, and those who walk. Tao is an eternal road on which everything in the world walks. But it was not created by all things, because Tao itself is one of all things. The Tao is filled with all things, and at the same time there is nothing. All things are born from the Tao, grow along the Tao, and then return to the Tao. It can be said that it is square but has no edges and corners, it is sound but cannot be heard by the ear, and it is a portrait but cannot see lines and colors. Dao is a huge net, the mesh is as big as the ocean, but it is not leaking. It is a refuge where all things dwell. It's not anywhere, but you can spot it by looking out the window. Whether it likes it or not, it gives the laws of all things to do and then lets them take care of themselves. According to the Tao, the humble can become heroic, and the hunchback can become tall and straight. Failure can lead to success, and success comes with failure. But who can tell when the two alternate? People who pursue and sex may be as smooth as a child. The practice of the mean will enable the strong to win, and the weak to avoid and settle down. He who conquers himself is the strongest.
22. You will have peace in the end, and peace will come when you forget your thirst for peace.
23. It is not enough for a nun to pray to Jesus, she has to be her own prayer.
24. There is only one way to win people's hearts, and that is to make people think you deserve to be loved.
25. I doubt that their ideals are in the mirror, not so important. Their lives have become beautiful things in themselves. I have an idea that the only thing that can free us from our hatred of the world is the beautiful things that people keep creating despite the chaos. People copy paintings, compose music, compile books, and people's lives. And the most abundant beauty is the beautiful life of people. That's a perfect work of art.
26. Remember, it's not worth bragging about what you do, it's your responsibility, just like washing your hands when they're dirty. The only thing that is more precious is the love of duty, and when love and duty are one, you are sublime. You will enjoy an indescribable happiness.
27. She suspects that everyone in this world has hidden secrets in their hearts, so that they may be looked at by others.
28. I want to be a girl and I want to raise her so that she doesn't make the mistakes I did. When I look back on what kind of girl I am, I hate myself so much, but there's nothing I can do about it. I want to raise my daughter to be a free and self-reliant person. I brought her into this world, loved her, and raised her, not to let her sleep with which man in the future, and to depend on him for the rest of my life.