太多时候我真的无法支撑,所以我求Joan 帮我祷告,她今天上午给我发了这封邮件,我的眼泪在我没读完的时候又失去了控制。我不知道我是否真的能忘记你,但我会纪念这段难得的时光。
Dear Carina,
Sometimes things pile up and we feel like we are suffocating and so helpless to help ourselves. Everyone has been there - some struggle trying to overcome difficulties by themselves. It may help for the moment, but it is not a cure. It is times like this you need someone to do what you can not do no matter how intelligent you are.
God says this "Trust in the Lord. lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path" Proverbs 3:5-6
It is difficult to turn things over to someone else - Jesus, but we must humble ourselves, and understand we need help and allow Him to lead us to His perfect plan for us. As a result, we find a peace unlike the world's peace, and we can face anything through His power. Norm and I will gladly continue to pray for you. We love you, and we know that you are created and loved unconditionally by God.
My prayer for you this morning:
Dear heavenly Father, Thank you for Carina, thank you for placing her in our pathway and giving us the opportunity to get to know her and love her. She needs help and support right now, her plate is overflowing with things to do before graduation. She has concerns that perhaps keeps her from focusing on priorities for graduation. She has worked so hard to reach this point - thank you for giving her the abilities to learn such advanced knowledge. I pray you will provide opportunities for her to apply what she has learned in a positive environment. I pray for her husband and his studies and that when Carina graduates they may be close together so they can support and encourage each other. I pray you, Lord, would remove anything.that prevents Carina from focusing on things that are most important at this time. Give her your joy, your peace, your wisdom in the days ahead as she looks forward to what marvelous things you have in store for her - when she trusts in you with all her heart. Thank you Lord for hearing and answering this prayer.
Love you!