Merculet全球招聘丨Looking for a CMO,共

2018-05-21  本文已影响0人  Merculet



Our professional team is looking for a creative and innovative Chief Marketing Officer to join us.


We’re interested in expanding our marketing plan into both online and offline initiatives, and we need someone who has extensive experience in social media.


The ideal candidate will understand the blockchain industry and know how to set our business apart from our extensive competition. A willingness to travel is a plus.


This will be a global cause sans frontières that is exuberant with fun and excitement full to the brim and suffused with quite plentiful challenges. We have propelled ourselves to some degree of cutting-edge advantages in the value Internet of blockchain.



Merculet, positioned as the Chief Growth Officer for global entrepreneurs, is dedicated to applying technical means to helping Internet enterprises readily accessible token-based operation, cultivate the products jointly created by enterprises and users and forge a brand-new productive relation of highly effective and efficient circulations between enterprises. Merculet has the vision to provide mature enterprise-level blockchain technical solutions, in order to fundamentally break through the current Internet productive relations to redistribute the value flow market.


To the understanding of Merculet, the future will be constituted with the tribalism-featured business represented by various tokens, and powerful capabilities of technical and ecological operation will be used to “transfer” millions of Internet enterprises, billions of Internet users, and marketing budget worth hundreds of billions of dollars into the next generation Internet.

作为一个全球化的区块链解决方案,Merculet自诞生之日起就获得了国内外众多创业者、社群以及顶级VC(如分布式资本、丹华资本、吉额翎(G20)集团等)的全力支持,分布式资本的创始人沈波以及NEO GlobalCapital的创始合伙人Roger Lim都亲自担任项目顾问,Merculet已经在全球100多个国家中产生了重大的影响力。

As a global blockchain solution, Merculet, since its establishment, has won intensive all-out support from many startup entrepreneurs, communities and top-class VCs (such as Fenbushi Capital, DHVC and 吉额翎G20 Group). The founder of Fenbushi Capital Shen Bo and NEO Global Capital founding partner Roger Lim hold the post of consultants in person. Merculet has exerted great influences across over 100 countries.


2018年3月,项目正式对外公布 In March 2018, the program was officially announced in public.

2018年4月,获得25个国家,78位当地比较有影响力的机构/KOL的认可与支持 In April 2018, it had won recognition and support from 78 locally influential organizations/KOL across 25 countries.

2018年5月4日,2分钟内获得107个国家的信仰者支持 On May 4th 2018, it had won the support from believers in 107 countries.

2018年5月11日,产品正式上线运行,比原计划提早1个半月的时间,并有多家知名企业进入实际性的接入阶段 On May 11th 2018, the product was officially launched online into operation, and many well-known enterprises have entered the stage of substantive engagement and cooperation.

即将启动“信仰者计划”与“大航海计划”,与全球优秀企业共建生态,共建下一代互联网 The programs of Believer Plan and Great Exploration and Discovery Plan are going to be launched to jointly create an ecosystem and establish the next generation Internet together with outstanding enterprises all over the globe.


监管公关、绩效营销、品牌营销和市场营销团队Oversees the Public Relations, Performance Marketing, Brand Marketing, and Marketing Operations departments.

制定和实现与社交媒体、广告和营销活动相关的可衡量战略目标 Develop and reach strategic goals related to social media metrics, advertising and marketing campaign

领导社区运营团队创建最好的社交媒体,病毒式传播品牌 Lead communications team to create the best social media to spread brand virally.

汇报对象:CEO Reporting directly to CEO


需要市场营销学士学位(MBA优先) Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing required (MBA preferred)

10年以上营销和/或广告经验优先 Preferred 10+ years experience in marketing and/or advertising

5年以上管理工作经验优先 Preferred 5+ years experience in a supervisory or managerial role

1年以上区块链行业经验 Preferred 1+ years experience in blockchain

卓越的分析能力 Superb analytical skills

具有领导和激励团队的能力 Demonstrated ability to lead and inspire a team

卓越的沟通和人际交往能力 Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills

拥有一定的海内外媒体资源优先 Preferred who has a certain amount of domestic and foreignmedia resources

深入了解营销方法、品牌、产品和服务管理;尤其在搜索引擎优化、社交媒体、内容营销、电子邮件营销和媒体渠道资源建立及购买方面拥有独到建树 Thorough knowledge of marketing principles, brand, product and service management; Especially in SEO/SEM, social media, display, content marketing, email marketing and media buying.

深刻理解不断变化的市场动态 Deep understanding of changing market dynamics

拥有企业家精神 Entrepreneurial spirit


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