
2019-05-19  本文已影响0人  荆棘海_Ph


Day6  聚聚会

1. hold相关

get held up/ stuck 被耽搁

We got held up in a meeting.

hold up

hold up还有持枪抢劫的含义,上图很形象了。

联想※ 之前学的hold-up名词,What’s the hold-up on my pizza?

hold the XXX 别放...

A bowl of tomato and egg noodles for me, hold the 香菜。

联想※ 之前学的go light on... 少放。还想到冰火里的Hodor,hold the door

hold the door

2. ˈpile-up 连环车祸

联想※ a head-on collision迎头相撞,a rear-end collision 追尾,get rear-ended 被追尾,on a collision course 即将相撞/发生冲突(Her views put her on a collision course with the rest of her party.)


3. sit in traffic 堵车

I'm tired of sitting in morning traffic day after day

sit in traffic

4. would be better off +doing

We would‘ve been better off walking here. (后悔没怎么做)

You'd be better off not drinking any alcohol. (建议)

better off

5. chill out 放松,冷静 (之前晨读艾薇儿的complicated,第一句就是哟)

They sometimes meet up to chill out and watch a movie.

联想※ chill-out 形容词 some chill-out music 一些舒缓音乐

chill out

6. a little something 小东西(礼物)/ a small gesture

It’s just a little something to show how much we appreciate your help.


Sir, you've got a little something right here.

Let me tell you a little something.

We could have a little something to eat at my place.

a little something

7. 别说给买了礼物。客气回答:How kind of you! You shouldn't have.

8.hit the spot 正合我意,恰到好处

That soda hit the spot.

A drink would hit the spot. / I could use a drink.

hit the spot

※ put sb on the spot 使某人尴尬,使某人为难

She shouldn't have put you on the spot like that.

put me on the spot

9. You name it, we've got it. 你能说上来的我们都有。

※ 列举:and stuff,and whatnot,and stuff like that

10. on the rocks 加冰块

Do you want your drink on the rocks?

He ordered a whiskey on the rocks.


My relationship with Lily was on the rocks.

on the rocks

11. coming right up 马上就来!

Fries coming right up!

less sugar folks

12. catch 听见/听清

I didn't catch your name.

The men out in the corridor were trying to catch what they were saying.

※ 也可以叫我XX  I go by Eric

13. hit it off 投缘,合得来 

※ click

They clicked immediately. 他们一见如故。

hit it off

14. 看到熟悉的脸,但是想不起来是谁:You look familiar, but I can't quite place you. Have we met before?

15. ring a bell 听着耳熟

It does not ring a bell with me.

His name rings a bell but I can't think where we met.

ring a bell

16. cross paths 不期而遇

I crossed paths with an old friend on a business trip.

I hope our paths will cross again. 希望我们还能再相遇。

cross paths

17. 最近在忙些啥?What have you been up to (lately)? 

※  How is your post-Comteck(公司名) life?你离开XX之后过得怎么样?

what have you been up to

18. grab 匆忙地拿,取;抓紧吃、睡等

grab a beer/drink

grab some lunch

grab some sleep (We can grab a few hours' sleep at the airport. )

grab a drink

19. fill sb in (on sth)  告诉某事的详情

Your father filled me in on everything.

She filled me in on the kid.

八卦的时候:Fill me in! 快跟我说说

fill me in

20. sleep in / late 睡懒觉

Saturday is the best

21. a virgin Bloody Marry 不含酒精的血腥玛丽

a virgin Bloody Marry

Day7 飞飞机

1. out of this world 此物只应天上有!

My mom's apple pie is out of this world.

※ 临走夸饭好吃还可以用It was a real treat.

out of this world

2. outdo XX 胜过


※ 前缀out-: outweigh,outlive,outperform...


3. help yourself to...吃点儿... 吧


4. ️  make a pig of oneself  吃太多

make a pig of oneself

※ make a meal of sth / make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做

make a mountain out of a molehill

※ make a silk purse out of a sow's ear 化腐朽为神奇

make a silk purse out of a sow's ear

※ make a fool of yourself 出丑

※ make a good/bad job of sth 干得好/差

※ make a man (out) of sb 使...成为男子汉

make a man out of sb

5. go to waste 被浪费,被丢弃

They don't let anything go to waste when they're camping.


6. helping 一份(联想※之前遇到的portion和serving)

We all had a second helping of pie.

7. hit the road 上路

Well, I guess it's time to hit the road.

hit the road

8. knock oneself out 尽最大努力


I'll check the kitchen floor. - Knock yourself out.

knock yourself out

9. 临别谢主人:Thank you for a lovely time.

10. have sb over 邀请某人做客

We're having some friends over for dinner tonight.

11. stand by 静候详情

Please stand by for more information

标准stand by

12. I'll keep you posted/updated on sth. 随时通知您最新进展.

keep you posted

13. in the same boat 一根绳上的蚂蚱 (联想※ Welcome to my world.)

in the same boat

14. fully booked (联想※ we're booked solid)

fully booked

15. Don't hold your breath. 别抱太大希望。

She said she'd get back to us, but don't hold your breath!

同时还复习了on second thought

16. honour sth 承兑... to honour a ticket/cheque

17. for ˌcrying out ˈloud 我的天呐!岂有此理!

For crying out loud! Why did you have to do that?

for crying out loud

18. give sb a piece of my mind 跟XX说说我真正的想法

I'm gonna give that son of a bitch a piece of my mind.

give you a piece of my mind

19. be/get in a bind/dilemma 进退维谷 (※ between the devil and the deep blue sea,between two fires)

If you ever get in a bind you can always call us.


20. be pressed for time 时间紧迫 (in a hurry/rush)

If you are a new parent, you likely have found yourself pressed for time in a major way.


21. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it. 船到桥头自然直,车到山前必有路

Let's cross that bridge when we come to it.

22. up the ˈcreek (without a ˈpaddle) 陷入困境

If any more people resign, we'll be really up the creek.

up the creek

23. 一直困扰我的baggage和luggage:

“行李”在美国一向用 baggage,近几年来才渐渐用 luggage。但在美国也往往把 luggage 统指衣箱、皮包等物件。说得明白些,英国的所谓 luggage 指旅客带着的衣箱、皮包等物件,店家出售的空箱和空包都不是 luggage,美国的所谓 luggage 往往指店家出卖的衣箱、皮包等物件,一经旅客带着便不是 luggage 而是 baggage 了。

24. piece这个量词可以用在很多东西上:

a piece of luggage/ baggage/ advice/ news/ clothing/ music/ furniture/ garbage

25. MIA (missing in action)

You've been MIA.


26. 不用老是说delicious,可以说:It's good.

27. I hate to be a party bummer.

28. 机场最常听到的话:May I have your attention, please.

attention please

29 飞哪个航班用 fly:Which airline do you fly?

30. 行李提取处baggage claim ,行李传送带carousel(marry-go-round)

baggage claim

Day8 租租车

1. What XX do you have in mind? 你想要个什么样的XX?

(联想※ What are you looking for in XX?你希望找个什么样的XX/ 你最看重XX的啥?

What are you looking for in a plan/ your next job/ in a girl/ in a relationship?)

2. run a special 促销活动

We’re running a special right now

run a special

3. inclusive of tax 含税

4. can't make heads or tails of 毫无头绪,晕头转向

I can't make heads or tails of this map.

make heads or tails

5. bang up 毁坏,损害

He was in a car accident and was banged up pretty badly.

He banged up the car.

bang up job

6. highway/daylight robbery 漫天要价,敲竹杠

  (联想※ pricy,rip off :The airlines have been accused of ripping off customers. 名词rip-off:What a rip-off!)

highway robbery

7. cut it close(英cut it fine) 卡点儿

It's cutting it close to get to the station at 9:45 when the train leaves at 9:50!

cut it close的后果

8. grace period 宽限期

grace period

9. 你帮我我大忙啦。You've been such a big help.

10. 都妥了。You're good to go. You’re all set.

You're good to go

11. The cost of the car repairs is going to be $350, inclusive of parts and labour. 部件费和人工费

12. call for 预测

The weather forecast is calling for rain tomorrow.

call for

13. pull up  调记录

pull up your reservation

pull up his file


14. just my luck 真倒霉!这运气!

just my luck

15. worth sb's while 对...有好处(或用处),值得

It will be worth your while to come to the meeting.

worth your while

16. as a rule 一般来说,通常

I don't care much for horror movies as a rule.

as a rule

17. zoo 吵闹的地方

The classroom was a zoo after the teacher went away.

18. make a racket 大吵大闹

How dare you make such a racket in the Great Hall!


19. reek of 散发着...的臭气 (想到GOT里的Theon臭佬)

(联想※ smell stink

He hadn't washed for days and was beginning to smell.

It stinks of smoke in here.)


20. 实在抱歉。I do apologize for that.

21. big bags 大眼袋 You have big bags under your eyes.

under eye bags

22. make it to... 到达XX

23. make good time 快速前进,比预计行进快

We made good time and arrived by midday.

We drove on a zigzag road and we couldn't make good time.

make good time

24. make a pit stop 小停一下(上厕所,或吃点东西)

Do you think we can make a pit stop?

pit stop

25. grab a bite 吃点东西

(复习※ grab 匆忙地拿,取;抓紧吃、睡等

grab a beer/drink

grab some lunch

grab some sleep (We can grab a few hours sleep at the airport. )

26. turn off 驶离(比如:下高速)

名词turn-off 出口匝道

27. know XX like the back of your hand 对XX了如指掌(尤指道路)

back of my hand

28. doze off 打盹儿

I closed my eyes for a minute and must have dozed off.

doze off

29. Hang/turn a left out of the gas station. Hop on 35 South. Take it about 10 miles and you'll see a sign for 80 East.

hop on 跳上... (This is a hop-on-hop-off service and tickets are valid for 24 hours.)

30. a backseat driver 坐在副驾驶指手画脚的人

I have to admit I'm a bit of a backseat driver.

You know, I'd tell you to stop being such a backseat driver, but how can you be one when you don't even know how to drive?


that'll be faster

31. bite one's tongue 忍住不说

I'll try to bite my tongue.  But don't hold your breath.🤣

bite your tongue

32. I'm afraid so. (很不幸,是的)

I guess/suppose so. (虽然不太愿意,但是‘是的/可以’。)

33. collision damage waiver CDW  车损险  If the car comes back in two pieces, you can get away with it.

34. refill 动词重音在后,名词重音在前

Can I have a refill? 能续杯吗?  替芯也是refill


35. mail 是不可数名词 I get enough junk mail already.

Day9 打打车

1. get stuck in traffic  (之前学的get held up)

stuck in traffic

2. Where are you headed?=Where are you going?where to?去哪儿

Where are you headed?

3. hop in 上车

hop 名词指“乘飞机的短途快速旅程” It's only a 20 minutes hop.

hop in

4. step on it 给脚油,开快点

Please step on it. I'm late!

step on it

5. get pulled over 被警察拦下车

No matter how adept your driving skills may be, if you get pulled over and blow above the legal limit, you're going to jail.

※ 'pullover 名词 套头毛衣

pulled over

6. back road  乡间小道,僻径

Don't take the highway during rush hour. Take the back roads instead.


7. close call 千钧一发,惊险

We nearly didn't get out of the burning building. It was a pretty close call, let me tell you!

close call小双关

※ near miss/ narrow escape

For many, a near-miss with death is a wake-up call.

He thanked his father for his narrow escape.

narrow escape

8. break sth to sb 告诉某人坏消息

I hate to break it to you, but...

(联想※ ease sb into sth 慢慢告诉,含蓄地表述)

break it to you

9. bumper-to-bumper traffic 大排长龙的车流


bumper to bumper

10. fender bender 轻微车祸  fender是挡泥板(※之前学的 pile-up 连环车祸)

fender bender

11. rubber necking 减慢车速伸着脖子看事故看热闹 (真有意思,这也专门有这个词,想起了backseat driver)

Rubber-necking at accidents on the opposite side of the road seemed to cause most of the senseless traffic jams.

There was an accident on the highway, and traffic was backed up for miles due to rubber-necking.(back up 车辆堵塞,排成长龙)

rubber necking

12. What rotten luck! 真倒霉(联想昨天※ Just my luck!)

rotten luck

13. back out (of XX) 变卦,退出,食言

14. at the eleventh hour 最后一刻 last minute

at the eleventh hour

15. What a shame!真可惜!

16. come up 突然发生

I was delayed — something came up at home.

something came up

17. slip my mind 丢在脑后,忘了,想不起来

Your name has just slipped my mind for the moment. (联想※You look familiar, but I can't quite place you. Have we met before?)

slip my mind

18. miss out on 错过...

19. flake 不靠谱的人  形容词:flaky (※靠谱的solid)


20. Don't sweat it. 别担心,别发愁。

(想起之前学的no worries)

don't sweat the small stuff

21. These things happen. 这种事在所难免 (联想※ shit happens 天有不测风云,难免有坏事发生)

22. make it up to sb 补偿XX

Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?


23. the more the merrier  人越多越好玩儿

‘Can I bring a friend to your party?’ ‘Sure—the more the merrier!’


24. 又遇到suggest了,翻了一下2月晨读笔记复习一下

❣️ suggest 用法❣️

a)suggest doing sth 建议

suggest sb to do sth

She suggested leaving them a note. 她建议留给他们一张纸条。

b)suggest sth/sb(to sb)提议

He suggested dinner the next evening. 他提议次日大家吃顿晚饭。

I suggested three alternatives to them. 我给他们提出了三个可选方案。

c)suggest sth/sb(to sb)as 推荐

suggest sb sth

He suggested Smith to us as a suitable candidate. 他向我们推荐史密斯作为合适的人选。

She suggested Paris as a good place for the conference. 她推荐说,巴黎是举行这次会议的理想地点。

d)suggest that 提议建议

He suggested to me that I (should) look for another job.他建议我另找工作。


suggest sb to do sth

suggest sb sth

25. hold up 耽搁

I hope I didn't hold up the meeting. 希望我没有耽误开会。

  (之前学过get held up和hold up 的名词What's causing the hold-up?)

    hold off 推迟

We need to hold off on any meeting. 我们现在最好不要安排任何会面。

Hold off for a moment. 再拖一会儿。

26. 不好意思久等啦!I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Sorry for the hold-up.

27. be onto sb 盯着XX呢

The police were onto him.

(※ I’m on it 我正做着呢。)

be onto sb

28. ❣️ run拓展

run over

    ① 超时:The meeting ran over.

    ② 溢出:His cup ran over.

    ③ 撞倒,碾压:The dog was run over by a car.

    ④ 再看一遍:Let's run the lines over together one more time.

    run late/behind

(之前学的run you XX钱 )

29. 你老有理。It's always one excuse after another with you.

It's always one excuse after another

30. 小题大做 make a mountain out of a molehill /make a meal of sth

It's not all that hard, you know! Don't make a meal of it!

31. give sb a heads-up 提个醒,提前通知

This note is just to give you a heads-up that Vicky will be arriving next week.

give me a heads up

32.  get/set/start the ball rolling 着手做起来,

There are several things we should discuss. Who’d like to start the ball rolling?

get the ball rolling

(联想※撸起袖子加油干roll up one's sleeves。喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子 “screaming yourself hoarse” was not as good as “rolling up your sleeves and getting to work”.)

roll up your sleeves

33. 下车 if let you out,if I drop you

34. bring them along一起带过来吧

35. “我得先问下我妈”  Let me check with my mother.

Day10  倒倒霉

1. Down on my luck 真倒霉!(What rotten luck! Just my luck!)

down on my luck

2. get laid off/sacked 被解雇

get laid off

3. flat broke 一贫如洗(英式stony broke)

※ fall flat (on one's face) 完全失败  I can't believe I fell flat on my face.

fair enough

4. on/make minimum wage/pay  拿最低工资

minimum wage

5. get by 勉强过活

Melville managed to get by on a small amount of money.

6. ˈtell me about it 你算说对了

‘I get so annoyed with Steve!’ ‘Tell me about it. He drives me crazy.’

( ※ You can say that again.)

tell me about it

7. cash-strapped 缺钱

cash-strapped universities

※ money is tight

cash strapped

8. explore all avenues/every avenue  尝试所有办法

explored all avenues

9. back on your feet 恢复健康,振作起来

back on your feet

10. grunt work 乏味的工作 (grunt名词指工作乏味收入低的人)

grunt work

※ 复习1月晨读


menial job 报酬低又枯燥的工作

decent job 体面的工作

demanding job 艰苦且要求高的动作

rewarding job 高回馈的工作

cushy job 美差,轻松的工作

cushy job

plum job 称心的工作

taxing job 繁重,伤脑筋的工作

dead-end job 没前途的工作

dead-end job

11. beggars can't be choosers 要饭就不能嫌馊;叫花子就别挑肥拣瘦;给什么就得要什么; 白吃馒头别嫌面黑。

Like it or not, remember, beggars can't be choosers.

beggars can't be choosers

12. cover 钱足以支付,够付

Joel has agreed to lend his cash-strapped son $5000 to cover his rent for the next few months.

13. 最近过的咋样? How is life been treating you?

回答:Can't complain. 还行吧 。  I've been better.不咋地。

How is life been treating you?

14. go through a rough/bad/difficult/sticky patch 经历一段艰难的岁月,痛苦的日子

※ purple patch 红运,成功的时期 

go through a rough patch

15. split up 断绝关系,分手 (复习split the difference)

I split up with my boyfriend last year.

can't slip up

16. no such ˈluck (所希望的事情没有发生而失望)没那么走运

no such luck

17. be beside oneself with XX 非常,极度

Cathy was beside herself with excitement.

He was beside himself with rage when I told him what I had done.

beside myself with rage

18. on the road to XX 开始... (联想※ back on track )

19. stop by 短暂拜访 (swing by,drop by)

20. cheat on sb 乱搞,不忠 to have romantic relations on the side


※ 复习on the side


We were served salmon with rice and grilled vegetables on the side.


She sells insurance on the side.


He's married but he has a girlfriend on the side.

21. If you ever want to talk, just give me a call. I'll be here for you. A friend in need is a friend indeed.


