
That Bully Is a Hero

2017-09-21  本文已影响0人  邵伯远_终身学习者

“Just another human whose only superpower is wealth,” a man wearing a red cape said scornfully while he watched Batman falling from the sky. Just a few seconds prior to this, that man shot Batman’s gliding cape with his laser eyes while Batman was gliding in the sky—just checking whether Batman could actually fly or not.

Fortunately, Batman had a grapnel gun. When he was about to reach the ground, he shot the grapnel toward the roof of a church. The muscle of his right arm was torn because of his enormous speed of falling, but his life was saved.

“What a superbully!” Batman laid down on the roof and sighed, “ when will he realize that his superpower is not for bullying, but for helping?”

In fact, that is not the first time that Batman has been bullied by the “superbully”. Just a few months ago, superbully overturned Batman’s bat car while he was chasing a criminal, which almost killed Batman. While Batman was painfully groaning, superbully stood in front of the wreckage of the bat car, crossed his arms over his chest and laughed: “Why don’t you just fly and catch that man? Why do you need a car?” Then, superbully leaped at Batman, tore down the two “ears” on top of Batman’s helmet, jumped to the sky with a bang, and disappeared within a second.

The superbully is not a Terran. His mother planet was destroyed because of civil war when he was still a baby. His parents sent him to Earth at the price of their lives. As an alien, superbully can do many things that a Terran cannot do. For example, he can shoot laser with his eyes, and he is indestructible. Even the toughest bullet in this world would become a piece of dust if it touched him. He also has the ability to fly at the speed of light, and he can lift the whole Earth up with his bare hands.

But unfortunately, no one had ever taught him how to use those superpowers appropriately. He had lived alone since he was sent to Earth. He spent everyday wandering around in the Wasteland where his spaceship landed. He was afraid to go out of that area because each time he did that, he was mocked by people around him. Their harsh comments and rude behaviours planted a seed deeply inside his heart—revenge. Every night after going back to his so-called house ( a small hole on the ground), he chocked with sobs: “When I grow up, I will make all of you feel what I am feeling right now!” At that point, he had not realized that he had special superpowers.

Superbully’s sixth birthday was a turning point in his life. With the help of a pastor who came across him in the Wasteland, superbully went to an elementary school in Chicago. There was nothing different at first—he was isolated by the other kids because everyone thought that he was a freak, harsh words and rude behaviours came to him everyday……

But in that Monday afternoon, everything changed.

A couple of boys backed superbully into the corner because he refused to buy them snacks. At the beginning, those boys just teased the superbully ( like many others did before ), but all of a sudden, one of the boy waved his fist toward superbully’s face.

“DANG!” His fist touched superbully’s face.

“Aooooo!” The boy fell to the ground, crying painfully. He just hit a piece of hard metal. Everyone was stunned, including superbully.

The boys stood up very soon, filled with anger. He picked up a baseball stick and swept it toward superbully’s head. Superbully subconsciously crossed his arm over his head and pushed the boy back a little.

“PENG!” The boy flew over the fifteen-metre long corridor and crashed against the wall.

Superbully was dumbstruck, could not believe what he just did. But most importantly, he felt a sense of unprecedented pleasure and superiority. The other boys who intended to “teach superbully a lesson” were now huddling up in the corner and trembling with fear.

At that moment, he was feeling like a God.

From that day on, no one would dare to pick on superbully anymore. Instead, superbully started to pick on other kids. He enjoyed watching kids trembling, just like he did before, and begging him for pardon. He had tasted the sweetness of revenge. He was eager to use all his strength to pour out the anger and hatred that had been accumulating inside his heart for such a long, long time.

The best way to achieve that he felt was through bullying.

As the superbully grew older and older, he found that he could no more be satisfied by bullying people around him. So he started to bully people who had higher social status and reputation. He humiliated the president of United States in public by holding his feet and swinging him in the air—like a pendulum, he lifted up a billionaire’s Lamborghini and threw it high in the air, and he overturned Batman’s bat car and shot his cape with laser while Batman was gliding.

He had been doing that for years. Everyone on Earth knew what he did, and therefore they gave him a nickname—superbully, a bully with superpower.

However, things changed again.

Soon after shooting Batman down, superbully went to Nepal. He knew that there were a lot of people who risked their lives to climb the highest mountain peak in the world—Mt.Evereast. He wanted to make fun of them and show them how he could climb up the whole mountain within a second.

When he flew to the foot of the mountain, he found a small temple. Out of curiosity, superbully stopped flying and decided to have a quick visit to the temple. “It would be fun to trick the monks,” superbully thought.

He stood in front of the gate of the temple. Looking up, he saw several big letters written in gold—“Tranquility”. “Tranquility?” Superbully talked to himself, “there would be no more.”

Superbully kicked the gate open. A monk was in the middle of the courtyard, floating in the air with his legs crossed and eyes closed. Superbully was shocked: “Is there another man like me?” But that shock did not last long.

“Hey, bareheaded,” superbully yelled, “ do you know who I am?”

“Greetings my son,” the monk opened his eyes and said, “ you are a man with peace inside your mind.”

“Peace is nothing for me,” superbully clenched his fist and stared at the monk, “ there is only hatred and anger inside my heart, and I will let you see what it is all about.”

“Then go ahead,” the monk smiled.

“BANG!” Superbully jumped to the air and then to the monk. He was like a bullet with huge momentum. The monk did not move away, he just floated in the air and calmly looked at the superbully.

“PENG!” Superbully’s fist hit the monk, but the monk still stayed intact and motionless, calmly looking at him, with a smile on the face and love in the eyes.

“That is impossible,” superbully yelled, “ I can destroy a building by doing that!”

“Sure you can do that,” monk smiled, “but with your hands, not your heart.”

“STILL NOT POSSIBLE!!” Superbully desperately cried. He could not accept the fact that for so many years, there was finally a man who could stay intact under the power of his doom fist.

Superbully used all his strength to hit the monk, but nothing worked at all. The monk just floated in the air with his leg crossed, looking at him with a smile on the face and love in the eyes.

“I can only be hurt by people who have evil in their hearts,” monk said, “ but you are not one of them. However violent you seem to be on the outside, your inside is filled with peace and love.”

“LIE!!!” Superbully cried while hit the monk frantically, “I am a superbully, how come there is peace and love in my heart?”

All of a sudden, the monk caught superbully’s arm. “I will show you the true inside of your heart,” monk said.

“EXPERIENCE TRANQUILITY!” Exclaimed the monk as he placed his right hand on superbully’s chest.

Suddenly, golden light was radiated from his chest. “Feel it,” monk whispered to superbully, “with your heart.”

Superbully was transfixed. He saw his parents, people who helped him when he was little, the pastor who sent him to the elementary school……He saw all the images about love.

“See?” Monk whispered, “ that is the true nature of your heart. You love other people, all you have been doing is just grabbing attention from them. You did not intend to hurt them.”

The golden light disappeared on superbully’s chest as the monk moved his hands away, but it did not disappear inside superbully’s heart.

“But they called me superbully,” superbully sighed.

“That was depended on what you did, not what you are,” monk smiled, “in what way do you think you could let people call you ‘superhero’?”

“By helping them,” superbully responded in excitement, “using my superpower.”

“Correct,” monk smiled, “that way you can not only get attention, but also win people’s love, honor and respect.”

Superbully looked up to the sky. The sun was shining, just like what his heart was doing. “I have to go, master,” superbully said, “there are people waiting for my help.”

“BANG!” Superbully jumped to the sky and disappeared within a second.

“Bye, superhero,” monk looked up to the sky, smiled and then closed his eyes.

“You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law,” the police captain said seriously to the criminal sitting opposite to him, “now tell me in detail what happened in the warehouse.”

“Well, we caught Batman when he was trying to stop us from robbing a grocery store. It was strange. He was not as strong and agile as before, and he could not fight with his right arm,” the criminal said slowly, “ our boss then asked us to imprison him in the warehouse and kill him.”

“And?” The police captain asked.

“We tied Batman to a pillar inside the warehouse. Jack placed a knife on Batman’s neck. At the very moment he was about to do it, a man fell from the sky and stopped him.”

“Go on,” the police captain stood up, staring at the criminal.

“I can’t clearly remember what happened next,” said the criminal, “we have twenty people there, and that man took all of them down within five seconds. The last thing I remembered was he flew toward me like a bullet. When my consciousness was recovered, all of us were tied to a pillar in front of the police station.”

“What did that man look like?” The police captain said with emotion.

“I can’t clearly remember, but I do know……”

“WHAT IS IT?” Yelled the police captain.

“He was wearing a red cape……”

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