Day 10 page 91-100
1. Words and phrases
1) But with Rodrick knocked out with the flu, they must’ve seen their big chance.
knock out: 淘汰; 击败; 出局; 使不省人事;
仿写:He was knocked out by the fact that his father passed away suddenly.
2) I decided to just keep my mouth shut and soak it all in.
soak in: 浸透; 在…中浸泡…; 沉浸于…之中; 被逐渐理解, 这里指默默接受.
仿写:Wait until the dye soaks in before you handle the fabric.
3) I pounded on the door, but Rodrick just cranked up the music to drown me out.
drown out: (声音)淹没(另一声音) ; (洪水) 使(人们)无家可归;
仿写: Don't let the noise of others 'opinions drown out your own inner voice.
2. Sentences
I should’ve known Rodrick would go and pull something like that.
仿写:I worried that his partners might be trying to pull something behind his back.
3. Dairy
All good things come to an end. Today I am going to leave the kids. Being with the kids for two weeks, we have built up good friendship. To be honest, I saw a lot of good points from them. They are always obedience. If you asked them to stop playing video games, they will stop immediately. They take care of each other all the time. Whenever you took them out to play, they always stay together. They are very thoughtful. When you carried too many stuff, they will help you with it. They never pull something behind people’s back. I like them so much.