
2016-07-13  本文已影响27人  落日江心屿


case起源是2014年该客人电脑在送修后寄回丢失。两年以后,他又写了这封信给我们,而处理这笔case 的工作人员都离职了...

Hi S.,

I just wanted to let you know about my computer. I have a new Acer, and the keyboard is malfunctioning and it seems that moving the screen at angles shuts the computer down with the slightest bump. I have had bad luck with computers in the last decade, and I still believe my XXX (previous computer) was a lemon and this Acer is just a cheap computer. Anyhow, it would appear that my brother stole it, maybe the day it arrived or a few days after. I don't know because my mother hid this fact from me for over a year now. My brother had drug problems and passed away last December due to overdose. So, digging further or trying to file a police report would be a waste of time. I have cut and pasted below my mothers reply yesterday finally telling me the truth. I suppose telling you is my way of writing the awful affair off and a human need to share with another person when something bad happens. It may not be a surprise to you that I do not get along well with people and this may have been fine as a professional engineer but not as a disabled person who needs help. In the end that is why I have isolated myself in the Philippines and why your handling of my arrogant emails has impressed me so much and should be recognized by the company that employs you. Here is the cut and paste:

"I didn't reply re service agent because Jerry stole the computer.  I thought I had already told you, but . . . who knows, and I am not up for fact checking.  I am sorry that he did that to you.  It's all I have to offer to you.  Please do not go off the deep end about it .. . it is done.   Deep breath."

Well, that is it.

Again, thanks for your help over the years,

James D.


