
2017-08-29  本文已影响12人  peizhenjy


CPR: Common and Colour, Position and Rotation andOrientation

Firstly, commence CPR–Common andColour, Position and Rotation and Orientation.

This is a basic screening mnemonic and will enableyou to quickly check if the pattern involves any very common relationships usedin the AR section.

Commonand Colour

Is there any shape which repeats itself in everybox of the set? For example, a quadrilateral in every box. Is there a specificnumber of shapes? Two circles always in Set A whereas two triangles alwayspresent in Set B. Are there arrows in every box? Is there a common size ofshape in each box?

Colour is guaranteed to be involved in at leastsome abstract reasoning items but it is also often used as a distractor so itis important that you consider the colour to be part of a pattern but if thereis no clear rule then it is likely to be a distraction.


There are bound to be questions where therelationship depends on the position of a shape within the box. The patterncould be as simple as a circle always being positioned in the top left corneror the circle always being positioned next to a triangle in every box.

One shape may always be opposite to another shapein every box. Sometimes the position of the shape is within a larger shape.These patterns are relatively easy to identify quickly, so look out for these.

Rotationand Orientation

This characteristic is also an important element in

AR, especially the sequence-type questions. In the sequence questions, there

may be a simple clockwise/anti-clockwise change of shapes and orientation where

shapes are positioned at 12 o’clock or 3 o’clock,

for example–and in the next box they are switched by oneor two positions.

If arrows are involved in a set it is highly likelythe direction in which the arrow points is important as well as the arrowlength. These regularly crop up in AR patterns.

Once you’ve completed CPR move on to SCONE. Once we’ve screened the sets for common features, you cannow move on to more detailed features.

Symmetry Colour Order Not There? Extras


Consider both general and rotational symmetry. Oneset may contain shapes with a certain number of lines of symmetry, whilst theother set may contain zero. This is a common feature of some Abstract Reasoningpatterns and you will more than likely encounter this during the test, so be onthe lookout.


As above, decide whether the colour is involved or

whether it’s theresimply as a distraction!


This is particularly useful for sequence and“x to y”is to“a to b”type AR questions. Is the order in whichthe shapes appear part of the rule? Do the shapes change direction or move in afixed order?

NumbersOf or Not There?

Is there a rule involving the number of shapes or

sides present? For the sequence type questions, the number rule may involve

ratios too, so keep an open mind. As well as identifying patterns by

considering features which are present, it can also be helpful to consider

features which are not there. This is particularly useful when you are

struggling to recognise the pattern and you will make an educated guess on

features which aren’tpresent.


In the AR section it is highly unlikely that you

will identify every pattern, especially since the time limit is quite tight.

There will be features that you will have come across in practice and others

which you haven’t–other extrafeatures to consider include:

Angles(right angles or sum of), obtuse or acute angles

Intersections–especially if there is a set with only lines


Curvedsides/straight sides


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