To leadfrog straight to a situation where mistakes are few.
Example 1
To improve: origin--origins
Example 2The Yangtze River's origins
Example 3
To improve: lie in, independent school
Strive to be flawless.
Italicliterally 字面上
Example 4To improve: once in a dinner---over dinner
over dinnerExample 5
the way sth/sb does sth, transform how sb does sth
Example 6E-learning (electronic)一类事物, rival: traditional learning, classroom-based learning 线下课
Example 7Example 8
political entity 政治实体, 注意语域register
Correctionspower balance/ inbalance
Example 9Corrections
国际视野 international practice
Example 10transform: 显著的改变,game changing, game changer 此处word choice/diction 选词不当
affect: more generalExample 11
Example 12
冠词 Example 13
Example 14
judge sb doing sth 用法错误
Corrections Example 15Personal Review
"The cowards never started, and the weak died along the way--that leaves us. "
When I look back on our live lecture last evening, I find Phil Knight's words inspirational. The origins of the passion for learning lie in the pursuit of excellence and of exceeding the limits. The passion has enabled us to leapfrog straight to a situation where learning is an innate desire and natural impulse, byassing a mire where learners are grappling with the daily grind of acquiring knowledge.
The sad truth is most of us have been brought up to aim for high marks only and we stick to them all our lives. High academic performance, however, is no more significant than attitude.
"Attitude, not aptitude, determines altitude."