
2019-08-27  本文已影响0人  颜小彦_d20b

音频:清英3a4-5,Dragon master第一本第一章,清汉第四册1-6


Field trip: Traffic tools.

1.Hello song."How are you"

Introduce your cars to everyone.

Different parts of a car.

Count the wheels of a car.

2.Learn the song 《driving in my car》.

3.Act it out. Slowly and quickly.


4.Can I get in your car?

5. Where should I go?

I got a cough/want to play/want to see a movie/want to buy sth., where should I go?


今天的field trip又忘记了上次的经验——不能带玩具。一是分散娃的注意力,二是容易引起纷争。切记切记切记!


#万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1708期133号Heather20190824# #万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1708期133号Heather20190824#


阅读:Curious George合集一本,ORT8级别五本,Dragon master系列两本。


因为一些小争执,Coco有点儿难过,趴在我耳朵边上说I think today is a bad luck day. Because I hurt my friend.

后来情绪低落至独自一人坐到远处的一棵树下,最后游戏力的方式解救了我们。Would you like to get in my car?Of course, Faith is the driver, and Coco is the passenger!

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