Don't let them down

2016-08-15  本文已影响0人  751cf1cd4c51

What are you doing D? You are crying for him and then you complain all the thing to someone loves you/cares you. Is this what you want when you came to American?

What is the purpose when you came to US? You want to experience new thing. You want to learn, study and social. But look at what you are doing now. You are shutting yourself off down to a small circle only including you and him. You are locking your life with this only person and refuse to see world with passion and curiousity. You are not the happy ambitious girl anymore.

Be grateful for the time he spent with you, which shapes you into who you are now. Life road is a lonely way and you should have known this. Learn to grow up and set your purpose as always.

I hope you can me more mentally strong and won't let the one who cares you the most down


