Half a million pregnant women are troubled bymorning sickness each year in the UK, but this phenomenon is still not fullyunderstood. One theory is that changing levels of hormones act on the brain toheighten an evolutionary adaptive response that helps prevent women fromconsuming substances that may be harmful. Although less important in thedeveloped world, in the past this would have helped to protect a foetus duringthe first three months of pregnancy when it is at the most vulnerable stage ofdevelopment. If the mother eats less, and sticks to simple foods, she is lesslikely to accidentally ingest something dangerous.
Which of the following would strengthen the theorypresented in the above argument?
1 Morning sickness symptoms normally decline afterthe third month of pregnancy.
2 Pregnant women sometimes have strange foodcravings.
3 Womenwith morning sickness tend to eat less and opt for very simple and bland food.
A 1 only
B 2 only
C 3 only
D 1 and 2 only