4.2 Four Fundamental Subspaces
2021-04-30 本文已影响0人
Subspaces and Linear Functions

The range of every linear function f : Rn → Rm is a subspace of Rm , and every subspace of R m is the range of some linear function.
For this reason, subspaces of Rm are sometimes called linear spaces.
R(f) = R(A)= Span (A)
Column Space
That’s why R (A) is often called the column space of A.
Row Space
R (A^T)
Strictly speaking, the range of AT is a set of columns, while the row space of A is a set of rows. However, no logical difficulties are encountered by considering them to be the same.
Equal Ranges


. N (f) is called the nullspace of f(some texts call it the kernel of f ), and it’s easy to see that N (f) is a subspace of Rn because the closure properties (A1) and (M1) are satisfified.

R(x) = N(A)


Computing P

Equal Nullspaces