
《爱情笔记》Essays in love - 5

2018-04-13  本文已影响9人  译嘉


Mind and Body


1. Few things are as antithetical to sex as thought. Sex is instinctive, unreflexive and spontaneous, while thought is careful, uninvolved, and judgemental. To think during sex is to violate a fundamental law of intercourse. But did I have a choice? 很少有什么能像思索那样与性爱相对立。性爱是肉体的产物,它无须思索,只求狂欢,直截了当,从理智的束缚中解脱出来。让肉体的欲望得到彻底的满足。与它相比,思索显得病态满面,病态地要求恢复秩序,是心灵不能屈从于肉体洪流的标志。对我来说,做爱时还在思索,这违背了交合和基本法则。我甚至无力为肉体堕落前的无思维保留一块领地,我犯下了罪过。然而,我还有别的选择吗?

2. It was the sweetest kiss, everything one dreams a kiss might be. It began with a light grazing and tender tentative forays that secreted the unique flavour of our skins. Then the pressure increased, our lips rejoined and parted, mine leaving Chloe's for a moment in order to run along her cheeks, her temples, her ears. She pressed her body closer and our legs intertwined. Dizzy, we collapsed onto the sofa, clutching at one another. 这是最甜美的吻,包含了对吻的所有梦想。我们更用力地挤压,双唇分开,然后又贴近吮吸,无声地表达渴望。我的双唇有时滑离,拂过克洛艾的脸庞、鬓角、耳廓,轻轻地揉擦抹拭,温柔地试探进袭。我们的皮肤发散出独特的芳香。她更紧贴我的身体,我们的双腿绞在一起,在眩晕中我们互相搂抱着跌进沙发,发出笑声。

3. Yet if there was something interrupting this Eden, it was the awareness of how strange it was for me to be lying in Chloe's living room, my lips on hers, feeling her heat beside me. After all the ambiguity, the kiss had come so suddenly that my mind now refused to cede control of events to the body. It was the thought of the kiss, rather than the kiss itself, that was holding my attention.如果说有什么能够打断这伊甸园的欢乐,那就是心灵,或者更明确地说,是思索……思索着这一切对我来说多么奇异:躺在克洛艾的起居室里,双唇触摸她的双唇,双手抚过她的身体,感受她肉体的温热。毕竟这模糊的境地、这热烈的亲吻来得过于突兀,如此出乎预料,以至我的心灵还不想退出,不想让肉体彻底放纵。对这个接吻而非接吻本身的思索,使我的心神几乎游离克洛艾。

4. I couldn't help but think that a woman whose body had but a few hours ago been an area of complete privacy (only suggested by the outlines of her blouse and the contours of her skirt) was now preparing to undress before me. Though we had talked at length, I felt a disproportion between my day-time and night-time knowledge of Chloe, between the intimacy that contact with her body implied and the largely unknown realms of the rest of her life. But the presence of such thoughts, flowing in conjunction with our physical breathlessness, seemed to run rudely counter to the laws of desire. They seemed to be ushering in an unpleasant degree of objectivity, like a third person who would watch, observe, and perhaps even judge.我禁不住在想,几小时之前,这个女人的身体还是完全不可窥视的禁区(只是从她衬衣的线条和裙子的轮廓展露一点),现在却要展示给我她最隐私的部分,而且是远在(因为我们都正好生活在这样的时代)她展示灵魂中最隐私的部分之前。尽管我们已经详尽地交流过,然而我感到白天的克洛艾和夜晚的克洛艾并不一致,我抚弄她的私处所体现的亲密与我对她大半生活的无所知晓并不相称。但是这类想法与令我们肉体无法喘息的激动互相交织,似乎粗鲁无礼地违背了欲望法则;似乎带来了一种令人不太愉快的客观性;似乎在屋子里还有一个第三者在观望,在审视,也许甚至在评判。

5. 'Wait,' said Chloe as I unbuttoned her blouse, 'I'm going to draw the curtains, I don't want the whole street to see. Or why don't we move into the bedroom? We'll have more space.'

We picked ourselves up from the cramped sofa and walked down a book-lined corridor into Chloe's bedroom. A large white bed stood in the centre, piled high with cushions and papers, clothes, and a telephone.

'Excuse the mess,' said Chloe, 'the rest of the place is just for show, this is where I really live.'

There was an animal on top of the mess.

'Meet Guppy ?my first love,' said Chloe, handing me a furry grey elephant whose face bore no signs of jealousy.






6. There was an awkwardness while Chloe cleared the surface of the bed, the eagerness of our bodies only a minute before had given way to a heavy silence that indicated how uncomfortably close we were to our own nakedness.克洛艾在清理床上的东西时,她和我者感觉到一种奇特的尴尬,肉体和分钟前的热切渴望消失了,随之而来的是一片沉寂,这沉寂表明我们并不习惯自己的赤身裸体。

7.When Chloe and I undressed one another on top of the large white bed and, by the light of a small bedside lamp, saw each other naked for the first time, we attempted to be as unselfconscious as Adam and Eve before the Fall. I slipped my hands under Chloe's skirt and she unbuttoned my trousers with an air of indifferent normality, like someone opening the post or changing a duvet.因此,当克洛艾和我在白色的大床上互相脱去衣服,借着床头灯的光线,第一次看着对方赤裸的身体时,都试图显得自然而不拘束,就如亚当和夏娃在堕落前那般。我的手在克洛艾裙子下游移,她愉快而轻松地解开我的裤子,好像注视彼此截然不同的迷人私处并不令我们感到奇怪。我们进入心灵让位给肉体的时刻;进入心灵必须消除一切思想、只留激情的时刻;进入没有判断、只有情欲的时刻。

8. But if there was one thing likely to check our passion, it was clumsiness. It was clumsiness that reminded Chloe and me of the humour and bizarreness of having ended up in bed together, I struggling to peel off her underwear (some of it had become caught around her knees), she having trouble with the buttons of my shirt ?yet each of us trying not to comment, not to smile even, looking at one another with an earnest air of desire, as though oblivious to the potentially comic side of what was going on, sitting semi-naked on the edge of the bed, our faces flushed like those of guilty schoolchildren.然而如果还有什么可能妨碍我们这缺少思索的激情,那就是我们不断显露出来的笨拙。两人一起站立在床上,我笨手笨脚地剥不下克洛艾的内衣(一部分缠在她膝盖上),她怎么也解不开我衬衣的扣子——但是我们都克制不去引导对方,甚至忍住不笑,而用最热切、充满极度渴望的眼神注视着彼此,似乎没有意识到这一切具有潜在的滑稽的一面。我们半裸着坐在床沿上,红着脸,就像犯了错误的学生。是笨拙的举动让克洛艾和我意识到,这一切既幽默又希奇古怪。


9. The philosopher in the bedroom is as ludicrous a figure as the philosopher in the nightclub. In both arenas, because the body is predominant and vulnerable, the mind becomes an instrument of silent, uninvolved assessment. Thought's infidelity lies in its privacy. 'If there is something that you cannot say to me,' asks the lover, 'things that you must think alone, then can you really be trusted?'如果心灵一贯受到谴责,那是因为它拒绝退出非理智的领域。卧室里的哲学家与夜总会里的哲学家一样荒谬滑稽。在这两种境况中,肉体都占主导地位,而且极其敏感,心灵则成了无言的器官,漠不相关的判断。思索的背信弃义在于它的幽然独处——“如果有什么事你不能对我述说,”心上人说,“有什么事情你需要独立思索,那么你还把我放在心上吗?”正是这对距离感的仇恨和思索的超然销蚀了理智的光辉,这理智不只是恋人的对头,也是国家、事业和阶级斗争的敌人。

I wasn't thinking anything cruel while I ran my hands and lips across Chloe's body, it was simply that Chloe would probably have been disturbed by news that I was thinking at all. Because thought implies judgement, and because we are all paranoid enough to take judgement to be negative, it is constitutionally suspect in the bedroom. Hence the sighing that drowns the sounds of lovers' thoughts, sighing that confirms: I am too passionate to be thinking. I kiss, and therefore I do not think ?such is the official myth under which lovemaking takes place, the bedroom a unique space in which partners tacitly agree not to remind one another of the awe-inspiring wonder of their nudity.传统的二元论认为,思想家和恋爱者处于事物对立的两端。思想家思索爱情,而恋爱者则单纯地去爱。当我的手指和嘴唇抚过克洛艾的身体时,我没有思索任何严肃的问题,因为担心我的思索会干扰了克洛艾。思索寓含着判断(我们都那么偏执,以至会做出否定的判断),所以在卧室里时,当赤身裸体令我们的脆弱暴露无遗时,我们总是心存疑虑。集中在私处的形状、颜色、气味,以及动作上的情绪反应意味着所有评价性判断的痕迹都必须消除。因此呻吟掩盖了情人们的思索之声,这呻吟确证了一个信息:我太激动了,以至不能再思索。我亲吻,所以我没有思索——这是一句冠冕堂皇的谎言,肉体的交合在它的掩盖下进行。卧室成为隐秘的空间,身处其间的情人们心照不宣地同意忘却令人恐惧的念头:我们都是赤裸的。


10. There is the story of a nineteenth-century pious young virgin who, on the day of her wedding, was warned by her mother, 'Tonight, it will seem your husband has gone mad, but you will find he has recovered by morning.' Is the mind not offensive precisely because it symbolizes a refusal of this insanity, seeming like an unfair way of keeping one's head while others are losing their breath? 有一个故事说,十九世纪时一个纯洁的年轻女子在结婚那天,妈妈警告她说:“今晚,你的丈夫将会像疯子一样,但是你会发现早晨到来时他已经恢复正常。”这种思想之所以令人愠怒,不正是因为它标志着当他人喘息不止之时自己得保持清醒的头脑,不可陷入必要的疯狂吗?

11. In the course of what Masters and Johnson have called a plateau period, Chloe looked up at me and asked, 'What are you thinking about, Socrates?'

'Nothing,' I answered.

'Bullshit, I can see it in your eyes, what are you smiling about?'

'Nothing, I tell you, or else everything, a thousand things, you, the evening, how we ended up here, how strange and yet comfortable it feels.'


'I don't know, yes, strange, I suppose I'm being absurdly self-conscious about things.'

Chloe laughed.

'What's so funny?'

'Turn round for a second.'


'Just turn over.'

On one side of the room, positioned over a chest of drawers and angled so it had been in Chloe's field of vision, was a large mirror that showed both of our bodies lying together, entangled in the bed linen.

Had Chloe been watching us all the while?

'I'm sorry, I should have told you,' she smiled, 'it's just I didn't want to ask ?not on the first night. It might have made you self-conscious.'



















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