classic pipeline example
2018-05-11 本文已影响33人
workflow for pipeline

runing result
enter contrl+c to stop pipeline program

code example
package main
import (
classic pipeline demo write by
const (
batchSize = 8
for range 在chan上有如下特性
1.如果chan上有数据,则for 继续往下执行,如果chan没有数据则for 会阻塞
2.如果chan被close了,则chan为nil,for range会退出循环。
type PipeFeature struct {
input1 chan int64
input2 chan int64
input3 chan int64
done chan struct{}
stop chan struct{}
func NewPipeFeature() *PipeFeature {
return &PipeFeature{
input1: make(chan int64, batchSize),
input2: make(chan int64, batchSize),
input3: make(chan int64, batchSize),
done: make(chan struct{}),
stop: make(chan struct{}),
func (p *PipeFeature) init() {
log.Println("...init running...")
defer close(p.input1)
for {
select {
case <-p.done:
log.Println("...init stop...")
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
p.input1 <- rand.Int63n(65535)
func (p *PipeFeature) stage1() {
log.Println("...stage1 running...")
defer close(p.input2)
for v := range p.input1 { //will block util input1 close
v = v - rand.Int63n(1024)
p.input2 <- v
log.Println("stage1 done...")
func (p *PipeFeature) stage2() {
log.Println("...stage2 running...")
defer close(p.input3)
for v := range p.input2 {
v = v + 1
p.input3 <- v
log.Println("stage2 done...")
func (p *PipeFeature) stage3() {
log.Println("...stage3 running...")
for v3 := range p.input3 { //will block
v3 = v3 + rand.Int63n(100)
log.Println("stage3 done...")
func (p *PipeFeature) Run() {
log.Println("start pipeline...")
go p.init() //order2- recv data from done and closed input1, return this function
go p.stage1() order 3-if input1 is closed,break for loop, and close input2 before return
go p.stage2() //order 4-if input2 is closed ,break for range input2 and close input3 before return
// order 5- if input3 is closed,stage3 return
p.stage3() // will block util input3 closed after call stage2
p.stop <- struct{}{} // order 6-send stop flag to stop chan before end Run function
func (p *PipeFeature) Stop() {
p.done <- struct{}{} // order 1-let init function to stop
//order 7 - already recv data from stop chan
<-p.stop //wait for recv stop chan
log.Println("stop pipeline...")
func main() {
pipe := NewPipeFeature()
defer pipe.Stop()
sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigs, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT)
go pipe.Run()
for {
select {
case <-sigs:
log.Println("recieve stop signal")