Ordinary one life person goes to pay a hon orific title for a Buddhist monk a visit with the question to destiny, he asks a honorific title for a Buddhist monk:
“Do you have destiny joking aside?”
"Some."Jackson answered."I was not predestined life of poverty?" He asked.
The honorific title for a Buddhist monk lets him reach out his left hand referring to be watched by him saying right away: “Are you looked at having understood what? This horizontal line shouts assume the love line, this oblique line shouts assume the cause line, vertical one line is a lifeline besides".
The honorific title for a Buddhist monk lets his and self make a action and then,his hand holds slowly hold such that fastening.
The honorific title for a Buddhist monk asks a- bout:"You said where this several lines are in"? The field that person is confused says:" In me in one's hands!
However,worries that finally Dawu,the original destiny is in their own hands, not in other people’s mouth.
