Task 1 of IELTS on Jan6,2018

The two maps illustrate us how a school changed between 1985 and 2017 after some construction .
In 1985,the school had only 1500 students .Both the entrance(on the left)and exit (on the right) faced to the north . There was a larger carpark between them ,and outside it was a road.You can see an office to the west ,while another smaller car park was sitedat the southeastern corner .A large library was bulit to the south , and the classrooms were just next to the library. A two-storey classroom block was situated opposite of the classrooms . A very large playing field lied at the bottom.
However, clear changes happened.With800 more students , the school has converted the former road to around-way one which surrounds the larger car park.Obviously,the smaller park is gone.The library has been cleared and give way to a new learning centerand computer room .Plus,the original two-storey block is now three storeys ,with some trees planted to its west. More classrooms are constructed below the block, to suit the increasing number of students.Meanwhile, a new pool and a fitness center have been established to make students' leisure life more colorful.The playing field still exists there,just only half of the previous one.
To conclude, the layout of the school has been rearranged in the decades.
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