
网红 故宫黄酒雪糕 你心动了吗?

2018-09-19  本文已影响0人  英语学习社


据报道,这款雪糕包装为黄色(packaging is in yellow),上面印有"圣上亲赐(Bestowed by His Majesty)"字样,包装盒下方则写着"北京故宫文化服务中心(the Cultural Service Center of Beijing Palace Museum)"。


Summer is almost over, but a new brand of ice cream is drawing heat over its potential risk. The frozen treat is infused with yellow rice wine, triggering concerns over whether it could lead to drunk driving, Beijing Youth Daily newspaper has reported.

China Daily:

An ice cream containing yellow rice wine in its ingredients is raising concerns over the possibility of drunken driving by consumers, reported Beijing Youth Daily.


CGTN用的是一个句子来表达这个概念“The frozen treat is infused with yellow rice wine,”,其中frozen treat就是表示“雪糕”,因为treat一词可以表示“(不经常吃到的)美味食物”;be infused with表示“注入了...”。

China Daily用的是一个短语“An ice cream containing yellow rice wine ”,借助非谓语动词containing来表示雪糕里有黄酒。


两家媒体采用了不同的表达方式,分别是: raising concerns over & triggering concerns over,需要注意的是,介词搭配都是over。

The ice cream is manufactured under a license by the Cultural Service Center of the Beijing Palace Museum, a commercial entity dedicated to the sale of the museum's cultural products, and can be found in stores around the city.


dedicate表示“投入的;满腔热情的”,英文解释为“someone who is dedicated works very hard at what they do because they care a lot about it”;短语be dedicated to可以翻译成“致力于”。

The frozen treat has a yellow packaging, a nod to the imperial color in ancient China, and a label that reads "Bestowed by His Majesty". 

The package comes with a warning to drivers: "No more than six grams of yellow rice wine is contained in each ice cream and a driver should eat only one, then sit behind the wheel for 10 to 15 minutes after ingesting to avoid being caught in a drunken driving test."

In order to find out whether the blood's alcohol concentration after eating the ice cream would be detected by a breathalyzer, a reporter conducted a test at a traffic police office.



After consuming the ice cream, the tester showed an alcohol concentration of 36mg/100ml, much higher than 20mg/100ml, which is the safety limit for drivers under China's traffic laws.

However, the reading turned to normal when the reporter took the test four minutes later.

Police said if drivers consume alcohol-containing food and object the findings of the breathalyzer, they can take a blood test, which yields more accurate results.



A man identified by his surname Peng, who is involved with the manufacturing of the ice cream, told the Beijing Youth Daily that 50 grams of the yellow rice wine can make 100 ice pops, noting that it is a completely safe prescription for drivers.


文中用的是A man identified by his surname Peng,用非谓语动词作后置定语,表达出“姓*”这一概念。所以这个部分可以翻译为“一位彭姓男士/一位姓彭的男士/彭先生”。

Yellow rice wine is the Chinese liquor that best represents the autumn season. It is also one of the most versatile drinks, complementing different dishes, both in kitchen and at the table.



He had been one of the game's most versatile athletes. 


Never before has computing been so versatile. 



根据上下文我们应该要猜出了“酒”就是用来“提味”的,所以表示“衬托;凸显”,英文解释为:If one thing complements another, it goes well with the other thing and makes its good qualities more noticeable.


Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well. 


The liquor-infused ice cream is selling at a comparatively high price of 15 yuan (about two US dollars).


来源:CGTN & China Daily






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