如何安装cloudrea quickstar VM,CDH免安装
2018-07-30 本文已影响3人
caution : QuickStart安装应仅用于演示和POC应用程序学习,不建议用于生产。
官网文档有教程Overview of Cloudera and the Cloudera Documentation Set
3.1. 基础要求 64位操作系统,RAM 至少 4GB,file size 3GB
configure the VM with 8 GB of RAM and 2 virtual CPU cores (by default it will use 4 GB of RAM and 1 virtual CPU core).
To launch the VMware image, you will either need VMware Player for Windows and Linux, or VMware Fusion for Mac. Note that VMware Fusion only works on Intel architectures, so older Macs with PowerPC processors cannot run the QuickStart VM.
3.2. 如第一点下载后,用7-zip解压。
2018.7.30 以前的草稿