2018-09-05 本文已影响0人
1 hopefully 希望
Hopefully, in time for thanksgiving. 希望赶得上感恩节前上市。(老友记第二季 第八集)
If she's my friend,hopefully she'll understand. 是真的朋友就希望能谅解呀。(老友记第一季 第十七集)
2 literally 几乎
It couldn't have been worse. A woman literally passed through on me. 糟透了,一个女人几乎把我当成空气一样穿过去。(老友记第二季第七集)
3 ridiculously 超级地
....and bought her that ridiculously crystal duck?买给她一个超贵的水晶鸭吗?(老友记第一季 第二十四集)
4 fundamentally 根本上
Is there something fundamentally unmarriable about me?我有什么原因嫁不出去吗?(老友记第一季 第二十三集)
5 incredibly 超级地
I thought that movie was so incredibly boring. 我觉得那部电影超级无聊的。(老友记第一季第二十一集)
6 technically 严格说来
Well, it's technically not a zoo per ce. 严格来说,它不算是个动物园。(老友记第一季第二十一集)