

2018-03-21  本文已影响30人  Lochaiching




Scatter/RIDL FAQ


These are some common questions that have been asked, and so we don’t have to keep answering them I’m going to compile a list of FAQ here.


Hi, when can I register User Identities?

Registration for Identities will soon open. The site and ethereum contracts are already done however they are still being tested on ethereum test networks and end-to-end tests are being done. The telegram channel will be the first place that gets notified.


身份注册很快就会公开来。网站和以太坊合同已经完成,但是他们仍然在以太测试网络和进行端到端测试。 这些将会在Telegram发布第一手通知。

Could you let me know what I should do to get RIDL Airdrop?

You do not have to do anything besides what you already have to do to register your EOS. If you are holding your EOS inside of a wallet that you have registered the address for at the time of the final snapshot ( Around June 1st ) then you will be airdropped tokens.



I read that in order to use Scatter we have give the private key of the wallet where we store our eos...is that safe?

Scatter itself is as safe as your desktop wallet. With that being said it is always better to use a private key which does not have your entire value inside of it to use when interacting with applications. This isn’t necessarily about key security, but personal security. 

We will be continually having cryptography experts validate Scatter’s security measures throughout the project’s development to make sure that we are keeping your keys as safe as computationally possible.

For more information about Scatter’s security refer to here: Scatter Github Security Section

我了解到为了使用 Scatter ,要把私钥给到存储EOS的钱包,这安全吗?



有关Scatter 安全性的更多信息,请参见此处: Github中Scatter 的安全内容(https://github.com/EOSEssentials/Scatter#security)

Why do you need a private key for Scatter?

Scatter is an extensions that allows you to sign transactions on web applications without having to give them your private key, they only get the signatures. Scatter is local to your machine, and never sends any requests with your decrypted or encrypted private keys included.

For comparison, your alternative to using Scatter is to manually input your private key into an application’s web form where you can no longer validate what happens to it after you click submit ( or even before ).




Why to use Scatter if Dan Larimer said they are developing identity dApp?

Scatter itself is more about transactions and loose Identities, however RIDL is about proven Identities and Reputation.

Once the system that Dan is planning is released I will be the first one to check it out ( I have already looked at the propositions ), if the end product is compatible with RIDL it will most likely be tied into RIDL since it being inside of eosio core makes it more powerful than a standard contract. The important thing here is that the eosio core identity system will not be instantly accessible by users. It will need to be integrated into something for it to be used properly. That something could be RIDL.

Dan Larimer说正在开发dApp,那又为什么要使用Scatter?


Can I sign up with Scatter on my iPhone?

Not yet, though a mobile application(s) for Scatter is in the roadmap. You also may not take part in the auction/reservation since it requires MetaMask which is also not available on mobile ( and likely never will be )


目前还没有,尽管 Scatter的移动应用程序在路线图(roadmap)中。你可能参加不了购买,因为它要求的配套使用的MetaMask在移动设备上也不被支持(而且可能永远不会)。

When Scatter is launched, we need to register on the software to receive the airdrop.

This is correct. It’s not what I would have liked to do but it is the only option to fight Sybil attacks with a snapshot that could possibly include users who have spread their holdings across hundreds of keys. For the normal non-malicious user it will only cost 1 EOS ( price is governed to make sure RIDL registration is always around a set price which is not expensive for users ) to register their name, for someone who is trying to abuse the system it will cost them 1EOS*public keys. 


是的。虽然这不是我想要的,但它是唯一一个能和Sybil攻击抗衡的选项,这个快照可能涉及到几百个资产持有地址密钥的用户。无恶意的用户只用1个 EOS(价格管理,确保RIDL注册的价格比较稳定且不会太贵)来登记自己的名字,对于那些试图滥用这个系统的人将会被它没收相应额度的 EOS 。

However, you aren’t registering to get tokens you are registering to reserve your unique name across all networks which can then accumulate and give reputation. For instance if your name isJohnDoe and you have registered it no one else on Scatter will be able to be named JohnDoe. We in no way are charging for tokens. The tokens are just a store of binary value who’s location can be recorded on the blockchain.


In lieu of this discussion I would like to hear what the community thinks. It is possibly possible with some collective thought to find a way to allow users who have not registered with RIDL to transfer/claim their tokens after a period of time regardless of their registration which would remove the enforcement of registration in order to claim airdropped tokens and create an airdrop in the literal sense of the word. Please leave constructive comments here about possible ways to restrict sybil attacks against the RIDL network while still providing a way to do this. If we come to a collective answer which solves the issue it will be implemented.








