[7] Plannig or not planning for

2017-07-18  本文已影响0人  蓝海_bluesea

      Some people find it to be a better use of their free time if they plan out all of their activities in careful. Others enjoy their free time more if they do not make any plans at all. I agree with the latter choice, and would prefer not to be restricted to a schedule. 

      Above most things, i enjoy living my life spontaneously. i am able to live my life in this manner becsuse i never bind myself to carefully planned schedules. i make the most out of every situation i come across and always enjoy myself. Because this, there is no need for a schedule. It is much more fun to wait and see what will happen next, after all, it is a free time. 

      I always enjoy the time of an unpalnned afternoon. If i need to get errands done, i will find time for them. I f i have free time, i would like to enjoy it. If I am at a park and am really enjoying it very much, there is no reason why i should leave if there is something else to do in my list. I believe in living in the moment. What i am doing at the present moment is more important than anything i might do in the future.  

      If, on a rare occasion, i do make a schedule, i find that it quickly runs off track. Perhaps i am perticularly bad at keeping to a schedule, i find that some things take longer to do than i expected they would, and some things are finished in a much shorter time than expected.This is the resason why i prefer not planning for my leisure time.


