homebrew event loop

2019-05-05  本文已影响0人  Yix1a
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# written in python 2.7
__author__ = 'garzon'  #pycharm添加的代码作者

from flask import Flask, session, request, Response
import urllib

app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = '*********************' # censored(审查)
url_prefix = '/d5af31f96147e657'

def FLAG():
    return 'FLAG_is_here_but_i_wont_show_you'  # censored(审查)
def trigger_event(event):   
    if len(session['log']) > 5: session['log'] = session['log'][-5:]  # 如果session['log']列表的后五个成员。
    if type(event) == type([]):   
        request.event_queue += event
        request.event_queue.append(event)   #event_queue列表中添加一个'action:trigger_event#;action:buy;10#action:get_flag;#a:show_flag;1'
def get_mid_str(haystack, prefix, postfix=None):
    haystack = haystack[haystack.find(prefix)+len(prefix):]   #haystack中发现prefix,并获得位置,加上prefix结束的地方,用:截取,得到prefix之后的字符串。
    if postfix is not None:
        haystack = haystack[:haystack.find(postfix)]    #如果postfix不是none 则,去掉结尾的postfix
    return haystack
class RollBackException: pass
# 该函数用来执行事件循环,持续的按trigger_event函数排好的顺序运行。
def execute_event_loop():
    valid_event_chars = set('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789:;#')
    resp = None
    while len(request.event_queue) > 0:     #action:trigger_event#;action:buy;10#action:get_flag;#a:show_flag;1
        event = request.event_queue[0] # `event` is something like "action:ACTION;ARGS0#ARGS1#ARGS2......" #'action:trigger_event#;action:buy;10#action:get_flag;#a:show_flag;1'
        request.event_queue = request.event_queue[1:]  #取第一位之外的所有事件,循环递进的一种方法。
        if not event.startswith(('action:', 'func:')): continue #event字符串里面必须有action或func才能接着执行
        for c in event:
            if c not in valid_event_chars: break   #event字符串必须是26英文字母大小写数字 _ : ; #
            is_action = event[0] == 'a'   
            action = get_mid_str(event, ':', ';')  #   action = action:trigger_event#
            args = get_mid_str(event, action+';').split('#')  #args= ['action:buy;10', 'action:get_flag;', 'a:show_flag;1']
                event_handler = eval(action + ('_handler' if is_action else '_function')) #eval执行相应的函数。: ; 中间的那个决定函数名
                ret_val = event_handler(args) #向函数中传入值。
            except RollBackException:
                if resp is None: resp = ''
                resp += 'ERROR! All transactions have been cancelled. <br />'
                resp += '<a href="./?action:view;index">Go back to index.html</a><br />'
                session['num_items'] = request.prev_session['num_items']
                session['points'] = request.prev_session['points']
            except Exception, e:
                if resp is None: resp = ''
                #resp += str(e) # only for debugging
            if ret_val is not None:
                if resp is None: resp = ret_val
                else: resp += ret_val
    if resp is None or resp == '': resp = ('404 NOT FOUND', 404)
    session.modified = True
    return resp

# 该函数是flask route的初始函数,开启route的url网页自动执行的就是这个
def entry_point():                        # action:trigger_event#;action:buy;10#action:get_flag;#a:show_flag;1
    querystring = urllib.unquote(request.query_string) #获得url?后面的字符串。并把其反url编码化
    request.event_queue = []
    if querystring == '' or (not querystring.startswith('action:')) or len(querystring) > 100: 
        querystring = 'action:index;False#False'  #action:trigger_event#;action:buy;10#action:get_flag;#a:show_flag;1
    if 'num_items' not in session:  
        session['num_items'] = 0
        session['points'] = 3
        session['log'] = []
    request.prev_session = dict(session) #一个字典num_items=0 points=3 log = []
    trigger_event(querystring) #'action:index;False#False'
    return execute_event_loop()

# handlers/functions below --------------------------------------
def view_handler(args):
    page = args[0]
    html = ''
    html += '[INFO] you have {} diamonds, {} points now.<br />'.format(session['num_items'], session['points'])
    if page == 'index':
        html += '<a href="./?action:index;True%23False">View source code</a><br />'
        html += '<a href="./?action:view;shop">Go to e-shop</a><br />'
        html += '<a href="./?action:view;reset">Reset</a><br />'
    elif page == 'shop':
        html += '<a href="./?action:buy;1">Buy a diamond (1 point)</a><br />'
    elif page == 'reset':
        del session['num_items']
        html += 'Session reset.<br />'
    html += '<a href="./?action:view;index">Go back to index.html</a><br />'
    return html
def index_handler(args):
    bool_show_source = str(args[0])
    bool_download_source = str(args[1])
    if bool_show_source == 'True':
        source = open('eventLoop.py', 'r')
        html = ''
        if bool_download_source != 'True':
            html += '<a href="./?action:index;True%23True">Download this .py file</a><br />'
            html += '<a href="./?action:view;index">Go back to index.html</a><br />'
        for line in source:
            if bool_download_source != 'True':
                html += line.replace('&','&amp;').replace('\t', '&nbsp;'*4).replace(' ','&nbsp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>','&gt;').replace('\n', '<br />')
                html += line
        if bool_download_source == 'True':
            headers = {}
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
            headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=serve.py'
            return Response(html, headers=headers)
            return html
def buy_handler(args):
    num_items = int(args[0])
    if num_items <= 0: return 'invalid number({}) of diamonds to buy<br />'.format(args[0])
    session['num_items'] += num_items 
    trigger_event(['func:consume_point;{}'.format(num_items), 'action:view;index'])
def consume_point_function(args):
    point_to_consume = int(args[0])
    if session['points'] < point_to_consume: raise RollBackException()
    session['points'] -= point_to_consume
def show_flag_function(args):
    flag = args[0]
    #return flag # GOTCHA! We noticed that here is a backdoor planted by a hacker which will print the flag, so we disabled it.
    return 'You naughty boy! ;) <br />'

def get_flag_handler(args):
    if session['num_items'] >= 5:
        trigger_event('func:show_flag;' + FLAG()) # show_flag_function has been disabled, no worries
if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(debug=False, host='')
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