
分析 第三方框架 RAMAnimatedTabBarContro

2016-11-24  本文已影响0人  床前明月_光

最近学了一阵子Swift了, 最近写项目的时候有用到RAMAnimatedTabBarController 这个框架, 这个框架目前已经有6K多的star了,还是挺受欢迎的. 其中被其中的BUG坑到了, 就研究了一下源码, 也注意到网上比较少关于这个框架的资料(可能这个框架比较简单, 哈哈), 所以分享分享.

一, 简单的使用:

整个框架就只有一个控制器RAMAnimatedTabBarController, 初始化RAMAnimatedTabBarController 必须配合RAMAnimatedTabBarItem来使用, 所以我们自定义的TabBarController的时候,我们得继承RAMAnimatedTabBarController

import RAMAnimatedTabBarController
class MainViewController: RAMAnimatedTabBarController {         
  overridefunc viewDidLoad() {      
    view.backgroundColor = UIColor.white          


//MARK: - UI

extension MainViewController {
    fileprivate func addAllChildsControllors() {
        addOneChildVC(childVC: HomeViewController(), title: "首页", image: UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "btn_home_normal"), selecteImage: UIImage(named: "btn_home_selected"))
          addOneChildVC(childVC: LiveViewController(), title: "直播", image: UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "btn_column_normal"), selecteImage: UIImage(named: "btn_column_selected"))
        addOneChildVC(childVC: FollowViewController(), title: "关注", image: UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "btn_live_normal"), selecteImage: UIImage(named: "btn_live_selected"))
         addOneChildVC(childVC: ProfileViewController(), title: "我的", image: UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "btn_user_normal"), selecteImage: UIImage(named: "btn_user_selected"))
    private func addOneChildVC(childVC: UIViewController, title: String?, image: UIImage?, selecteImage: UIImage?) {
        let navVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: childVC)
        let item = RAMAnimatedTabBarItem(title: title, image: image, selectedImage: selecteImage)
        let animation = RAMTransitionItemAnimations()
        animation.iconSelectedColor =
        animation.transitionOptions = UIViewAnimationOptions.transitionCurlUp
        item.animation = animation
        navVC.tabBarItem = item

最终决定item的动画类型和效果是有 RAMAnimatedTabBarItem的实例化对象的animation类型决定的. 根据框架提供给我们的动画类型有: RAMFumeAnimation, RAMBounceAnimation, RAMRotationAnimation, RAMFrameItemAnimation, RAMTransitionItemAnimations.
我们也可以遵守RAMItemAnimationProtocol 协议自定义动画

其中选中的效果图标animation.iconSelectedColor 属性决定, 文字由 textSelectedColor决定, 所以 let item = RAMAnimatedTabBarItem(title: title, image: image, selectedImage: selecteImage) 中的selectedImage 是没有效果的

二, 内部的实现

RAMAnimatedTabBarController 是一个给UITabBarItem添加动画的框架, 总体可以分为两个方向: 控件的布局动画的实现



根据源码我发现RAMAnimatedTabBarController是继承于 UITabBarController

/// UITabBarController with item animations
openclass RAMAnimatedTabBarController: UITabBarController

根据这个方法作者是自定义了UITabBarItem, 也就是上面我给出的控件布局图中得 viewContainer, 这也就是我们界面所看到的UITabBarItem.

  fileprivate func createCustomIcons(_ containers : NSDictionary) {
    guard let items = tabBar.items as? [RAMAnimatedTabBarItem] else {
      fatalError("items must inherit RAMAnimatedTabBarItem")
    var index = 0
    for item in items {
      guard let itemImage = item.image else {
        fatalError("add image icon in UITabBarItem")
      guard let container = containers["container\(items.count - 1 - index)"] as? UIView else {
      container.tag = index
      let renderMode = item.iconColor.cgColor.alpha == 0 ? UIImageRenderingMode.alwaysOriginal :
      let icon = UIImageView(image: item.image?.withRenderingMode(renderMode))
      icon.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
      icon.tintColor = item.iconColor
      // text
      let textLabel = UILabel()
      textLabel.text = item.title
      textLabel.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
      textLabel.textColor = item.textColor
      textLabel.font = item.textFont
      textLabel.textAlignment =
      textLabel.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
      container.backgroundColor = (items as [RAMAnimatedTabBarItem])[index].bgDefaultColor
      createConstraints(icon, container: container, size: itemImage.size, yOffset: -5 - item.yOffSet)
      let textLabelWidth = tabBar.frame.size.width / CGFloat(items.count) - 5.0
      createConstraints(textLabel, container: container, size: CGSize(width: textLabelWidth , height: 10), yOffset: 16 - item.yOffSet)
      if item.isEnabled == false {
        icon.alpha      = 0.5
        textLabel.alpha = 0.5
      item.iconView = (icon:icon, textLabel:textLabel)
      if 0 == index { // selected first elemet
        container.backgroundColor = (items as [RAMAnimatedTabBarItem])[index].bgSelectedColor
      item.image = nil
      item.title = ""
      index += 1

那么我们创建的 RAMAnimatedTabBarItem呢, 其实我们创建的RAMAnimatedTabBarItem,被保存到了TabBarConteoller 中得 Items, 中了, 只是上面创建的自定义UItabBarItem(viewContainer)添加到TabBarConteoller,挡住了UITabBar, 所以跟我们交互的是作者自定义的UItabBarItem(viewContainer)

//所有的viewContainer 就是 UITabBarItem 然后添加到控制器的View上
  fileprivate func createViewContainers() -> NSDictionary {
    guard let items = tabBar.items else {
      fatalError("add items in tabBar")
    var containersDict = [String: AnyObject]()
    for index in 0..<items.count { //添加UITabBarItem
      let viewContainer = createViewContainer()
      containersDict["container\(index)"] = viewContainer
    var formatString = "H:|-(0)-[container0]"
    for index in 1..<items.count {
      formatString += "-(0)-[container\(index)(==container0)]"
    formatString += "-(0)-|"
    let  constranints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: formatString,
                                                                       metrics: nil,
                                                                       views: (containersDict as [String : AnyObject]))
    return containersDict as NSDictionary
  //创建一个容器添加到 控制器的view 上
  fileprivate func createViewContainer() -> UIView {
    let viewContainer = UIView();
    viewContainer.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear // for test
    viewContainer.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
    // add gesture
    let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(RAMAnimatedTabBarController.tapHandler(_:)))
    tapGesture.numberOfTouchesRequired = 1
    // add constrains
    let constY = NSLayoutConstraint(item: viewContainer,
                                    attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.bottom,
                                    relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation.equal,
                                    toItem: view,
                                    attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.bottom,
                                    multiplier: 1,
                                    constant: 0)
    let constH = NSLayoutConstraint(item: viewContainer,
                                    attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.height,
                                    relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation.equal,
                                    toItem: nil,
                                    attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.notAnAttribute,
                                    multiplier: 1,
                                    constant: tabBar.frame.size.height)
    return viewContainer

给自定义UItabBarItem(viewContainer)添加手势, 点击抽发的事件

// MARK: actions 手势, 事件触发
 open func tapHandler(_ gesture:UIGestureRecognizer) {
   guard let items = tabBar.items as? [RAMAnimatedTabBarItem],
     let gestureView = gesture.view else {
       fatalError("items must inherit RAMAnimatedTabBarItem")
   let currentIndex = gestureView.tag
   if items[currentIndex].isEnabled == false { return }
   let controller = self.childViewControllers[currentIndex]
   if let shouldSelect = delegate?.tabBarController?(self, shouldSelect: controller)
     , !shouldSelect {
   if selectedIndex != currentIndex {
     let animationItem : RAMAnimatedTabBarItem = items[currentIndex]
     let deselectItem = items[selectedIndex]
     let containerPrevious : UIView = deselectItem.iconView!.icon.superview!
     containerPrevious.backgroundColor = items[currentIndex].bgDefaultColor
     let container : UIView = animationItem.iconView!.icon.superview!
     container.backgroundColor = items[currentIndex].bgSelectedColor
     selectedIndex = gestureView.tag
     delegate?.tabBarController?(self, didSelect: controller)
   } else if selectedIndex == currentIndex {
     if let navVC = self.viewControllers![selectedIndex] as? UINavigationController {
       navVC.popToRootViewController(animated: true)

我们再来看看 `RAMAnimatedTabBarItem

// UITabBarItem with animation
open class RAMAnimatedTabBarItem: UITabBarItem {
  @IBInspectable open var yOffSet: CGFloat = 0
  open override var isEnabled: Bool {
    didSet {
      iconView?.icon.alpha = isEnabled == true ? 1 : 0.5
      iconView?.textLabel.alpha = isEnabled == true ? 1 : 0.5
  /// animation for UITabBarItem. use RAMFumeAnimation, RAMBounceAnimation, RAMRotationAnimation, RAMFrameItemAnimation, RAMTransitionAnimation
  /// or create custom anmation inherit RAMItemAnimation
 /// 这个属性是使用 RAMFumeAnimation, RAMBounceAnimation, RAMRotationAnimation, RAMFrameItemAnimation, RAMTransitionAnimation 着五个类创建的动画, 或者自定义一个动画
  @IBOutlet open var animation: RAMItemAnimation!
  /// The font used to render the UITabBarItem text. (UITabBarItem上得字体大小)
  open var textFont: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10)
  /// The color of the UITabBarItem text. (UITabBarItem上得字体颜色)
  @IBInspectable open var textColor: UIColor =
  /// The tint color of the UITabBarItem icon. (UITabBarItem上得图标颜色)
  @IBInspectable open var iconColor: UIColor = UIColor.clear // if alpha color is 0 color ignoring
  var bgDefaultColor: UIColor = UIColor.clear // background color
  var bgSelectedColor: UIColor = UIColor.clear
  //  The current badge value 角标
  open var badge: RAMBadge? // use badgeValue to show badge
  // Container for icon and text in UITableItem.
  open var iconView: (icon: UIImageView, textLabel: UILabel)?
   Start selected animation
  open func playAnimation() {
    assert(animation != nil, "add animation in UITabBarItem")
    guard animation != nil && iconView != nil else  {
    animation.playAnimation(iconView!.icon, textLabel: iconView!.textLabel)
   Start unselected animation
  open func deselectAnimation() {
    guard animation != nil && iconView != nil else  {
      textLabel: iconView!.textLabel,
      defaultTextColor: textColor,
      defaultIconColor: iconColor)
   Set selected state without animation
  open func selectedState() {
    guard animation != nil && iconView != nil else  {
    animation.selectedState(iconView!.icon, textLabel: iconView!.textLabel)

可以看到核心的方法就是 playAnimation(), deselectAnimation(), selectedState()这三个方法.



可以看到所有的动画都是遵守了 RAMItemAnimationProtocol协议实现的
public protocol RAMItemAnimationProtocol {
  func playAnimation(_ icon : UIImageView, textLabel : UILabel)
  func deselectAnimation(_ icon : UIImageView, textLabel : UILabel, defaultTextColor : UIColor, defaultIconColor : UIColor)
  func selectedState(_ icon : UIImageView, textLabel : UILabel)

RAMItemAnimation 遵守了RAMItemAnimationProtocol协议

/// Base class for UITabBarItems animation  (UITabBarItems 动画的基础类)
open class RAMItemAnimation: NSObject, RAMItemAnimationProtocol {
  // MARK: constants
  struct Constants {
    struct AnimationKeys {
      static let Scale     = "transform.scale"
      static let Rotation    = "transform.rotation"
      static let KeyFrame  = "contents"
      static let PositionY = "position.y"
      static let Opacity   = "opacity"
  // MARK: properties
  /// The duration of the animation (动画的时间, 默认为0.5s)
  @IBInspectable open var duration : CGFloat = 0.5
  ///  The text color in selected state.  (选中状态的文字颜色)
  @IBInspectable open var textSelectedColor: UIColor = UIColor.init(red: 0, green: 0.478431, blue: 1, alpha: 1)
  ///  The icon color in selected state. (选中状态的图标颜色)
  @IBInspectable open var iconSelectedColor: UIColor!
   Start animation, method call when UITabBarItem is selected
   - parameter icon:      animating UITabBarItem icon  (UITabBarItem 的动画图标)
   - parameter textLabel: animating UITabBarItem textLabel (UITabBarItem 的动画标题)
  open func playAnimation(_ icon : UIImageView, textLabel : UILabel) {
    fatalError("override method in subclass")
   Start animation, method call when UITabBarItem is unselected
   当您 取消 选中UITabBarItem的时候调用这个方法开始动画
   - parameter icon:      animating UITabBarItem icon
   - parameter textLabel: animating UITabBarItem textLabel
   - parameter defaultTextColor: default UITabBarItem text color
   - parameter defaultIconColor: default UITabBarItem icon color
  open func deselectAnimation(_ icon : UIImageView, textLabel : UILabel, defaultTextColor : UIColor, defaultIconColor : UIColor) {
    fatalError("override method in subclass")
    Method call when TabBarController did load
    选中的状态, 在加载 TabBarController 的时候就会调用
  - parameter icon:      animating UITabBarItem icon
   - parameter textLabel: animating UITabBarItem textLabel 
  open func selectedState(_ icon: UIImageView, textLabel : UILabel) {
    fatalError("override method in subclass")

这个属性是使用RAMFumeAnimation, RAMBounceAnimation, RAMRotationAnimation, RAMFrameItemAnimation, RAMTransitionAnimation 都是继承了RAMItemAnimation 这个类去实现的
RAMFumeAnimation: 核心动画
RAMBounceAnimation: 核心动画
RAMFrameItemAnimation:帧动画, 这个类需要自己提供帧动画组

  override open func awakeFromNib() {
    guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: imagesPath, ofType:"plist") else {
      fatalError("don't found plist")
    guard case let animationImagesName as [String] = NSArray(contentsOfFile: path) else {
    //变成所有的图片, 并存储在animationImages属性中
    // selected image 选中状态下得显示的图标, 这里是图片数组中最后一张
    let selectedImageName = animationImagesName[animationImagesName.endIndex - 1]
    selectedImage = UIImage(named: selectedImageName)

RAMTransitionAnimation: 核心代码如下 动画的策略 transitionFlipFromBottom, transitionFlipFromTop, transitionFlipFromRight, transitionFlipFromLeft, transitionCrossDissolve ,transitionCurlUp, transitionCurlDown 不同的动画策略显示的是不同的动画类型

   Start animation, method call when UITabBarItem is selected
   - parameter icon:      animating UITabBarItem icon
   - parameter textLabel: animating UITabBarItem textLabel
  override open func playAnimation(_ icon : UIImageView, textLabel : UILabel) {
    selectedColor(icon, textLabel: textLabel)
    UIView.transition(with: icon, duration: TimeInterval(duration), options: transitionOptions, animations: {
      }, completion: { _ in

自定义动画:假如上面的动画类型你都不喜欢, 你还可以自定义动画, 自己去实现想要的动画效果. 继承 RAMItemAnimation, 实现 RAMItemAnimationProtocol 中的 playAnimation(), deselectAnimation(), selectedState(), 这三个方法就好.

如果大家觉得这个框架不好用的话, 还可以自己写一个, 也挺简单的

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