游戏:Game one.On the market.
M:Honey would you like to buy some water with me.
M:Let's walk to the market, sing the song, walking walking walking walking Squat.down.
B:Sing the song follow me.
M:Honey look, I can see the apples
B:I can see the apples.
M:I want to buy some bananas can you find it.
B:It's here.I can see the bananas.
M:Very good, where is grape.
M:Grape 就是葡萄,宝贝
B:I can see the Grape.
M:Can you hear something, oh I can see hands and little chick.
B:I can see the hen
M:Do you know what's that.
B:(思索状) 鸡蛋
M:Speak english.
B:I can see the eggs.
M:Very good baby you're clever.

Game two:Driving in my car.
B:Bumpity bump.
M:Sing the song, driving my car, bumpity bump.
B:Sing the song follow me.
M:Oh I can see a black car. Look there are so many black car.Honey, do you know what color is this car.
M:It's a white car.Look there is a bus.Blue bus.
B:Blue bus.I can see a blue bus.
M:Here is the Green taxi.
B:Green taxi.
M:The car on our right it's a red car.
B:A red car.


妈妈备课:今天带宝贝出去玩,尽量用英语交流,宝贝现在对英语也很敏感,看到有字母的地方就会大叫,麻麻快看 英语!
绘本环节有的简单点的书尽量掺杂了一些英语,Like mouse elephant.Turtle.Lion.Cat.Rabbit.Snake.Horse. Dog.Chick.Dark.Frog. 宝贝会跟着重复这些单词。 明天在家要把今天拉下的视频和分级补上。
其他:上午美术课特意让爸爸带他去上(尽量让爸爸多带带他,有点太黏妈妈),刚开始小朋友都穿好围裙坐在桌边,宝贝很抗拒 不穿围裙,坐在角落里,后来看大家开始拿颜料画画,才主动穿上围裙加入行列,主动帮助老师挤颜料,今天没有像往常一样生气训斥他,一直躲在外面看,让宝贝自己学着去融入,效果还是不错的。
