
2019-02-02  本文已影响27人  邱梅_qiumei

**  薄荷阅读《心理学百科》笔记整理


- Philosophical Roots: Psychology In The Making -

· We Know the Meaning of “Consciousness” So Long As No One Asks Us to Define It ·

**  只要没有人让我们定义“意识”,我们就知道它是什么

>>  【学者其人】

William James


**  威廉·詹姆斯和威廉·冯特都是心理学史上具有里程碑意义的人物。

>>  William James was born in 1842 to a wealthy and influential New York family, and travelled widely as a child, attending schools in both Europe and the USA.

**  1842年,詹姆斯降生于纽约一个有影响力的富裕家庭。从小,他就周游列国,在欧洲和美国接受教育。

>>  James showed early artistic ability and initially pursued a career as a painter, but his growing interest in science eventually led to him to enrol at Harvard University in 1861.

**  詹姆斯很早就显示出艺术方面的天赋,将画家作为自己的职业追求。但最终,对科学的强烈兴趣让他走向哈佛大学劳伦斯科学学院。

>>  By 1864, he had moved to Harvard Medical School.

**  经过三年的学习,詹姆斯于1864年转入哈佛医学院。

**  但是年轻的他不幸疾病缠身,除了身体上的病痛外还患上神经衰弱症。这让他深感绝望,一度想要自杀。

>>  His studies were interrupted by bouts of physical illness and depression.He finally qualified as a physician in 1869, but never practised medicine.

**  詹姆斯的学术研究因为长期不良的身体状况而充满坎坷;1869年,他终于获得医师资格(修得M.D.学位)。可是,詹姆斯从未真的进入医疗行业,转而开始了哲学和心理学的研究。

>>  In 1873, James returned to Harvard, where he became a professor of both philosophy and psychology.

**  1873年,詹姆斯回到哈佛大学,成为哲学和心理学教授。

>>  He set up the first experimental psychology courses in the USA, playing a key role in establishing psychology as a truly scientific discipline.

**  他是美国历史上第一个开设心理学课的人。随后,他成立了美国的第一间心理学实验室,将心理学发展成了一门真正的科学。这一切,让威廉·詹姆斯成为了美国心理学之父。

>>  He retired in 1907, and died peacefully at his home in New Hampshire in 1910.

**  1907年,詹姆斯退休。1910年,他在新罕布什尔的家中安详离世。

**  哈佛大学威廉·詹姆斯楼(William James Hall)



**  威廉·詹姆斯的代表作 Key works

1890 The Principles of Psychology 《心理学原理》

1892 Psychology 《心理学》

1897 The Will to Believe 《信仰的意志》

>>  句子解析

>>  1. James felt the most important point about consciousness is that it is not a “thing” but a process – it is what the brain does to “steer a nervous system grown too complex to regulate itself”.

**  本句大意:在詹姆斯眼中,关于意识最重要的一点是,它并非一个东西,而是一个过程——它由大脑通过神经系统操控,却又比大脑复杂得多。

>>  2. In talking of it hereafter, let us call it the stream of thought, of consciousnes。

**  本句大意:今后再谈起时,我们可以称之为“思想流”或“意识流”。

>>  3. Then stand the men in a row or jam, and let each think of his word as intently as he will; nowhere will there be a consciousness of the whole sentence.

**  本句大意,站在一起的人们每个人被分配了一个单词,所有单词可以组成一个句子。但是其中任何一个人无论再怎么聚精会神地想这个词,他也无法对句子的全貌有一个自己的意识。

>>  4. Each one is “owned” by someone, and never “comes into direct sight of a thought in another personal consciousness than its own”.

**  本句大意:每一个(思想/意识)都为某人所有,永远不会进入除自己之外的个人意识(永远都仅在自己的个人意识当中)。

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