
2019-12-07  本文已影响0人  豆小姐Tiadodo






The factory does not rely on receiving orders to make money。


They put usury when they received the payment from the customers. So in order to raise as much money as possible in the short time, they attract orders at a very low price. Such factories usually owe money to suppliers.

And their financial situation is very poor, if you have slightest sign of trouble you will lose money, so doing business with them is very



The factory is the kind of liar who holds the principle of doing business only once


After receiving the money, either they will send less quantity when it is shipped, make up for the deficit in their quotations, or send garbage to the buyer. Coz they think after the shipment, they will be ok to get away with everything, zero service after sale.

Some greedy Indian businessmen are the easiest one who always jumps into the hole of low prices。

3. 该工厂把客户的货款当成了无息贷款。

The factory treated the customer's payment as an interest - free loan.


The factory asked many buyers to pay a deposit at a low price, then delayed the goods for a few months, and finally told the buyer that they could not deliver the goods and returned the money. Generally speaking, this kind of factory is not a liar but is a great traitor. They are at most a hypocrite and uses other people's money without interest. Finally, it’s lucky that you did not meet a liar, and at least the money has come back;

4. 该工厂跟监狱合作,人工费可以忽略不计,因为犯人基本没有工资。

The factory is in cooperation with the prison, and the labor cost is nothing, as the prisoner is basically free of wages。


The factory happened to have an order cancelled, and what the guests wanted to buy is just the product;


Pure liar, they disappear when the deposit is received;

We ordered a 20GP container of Air conditioner around 5years ago, we had order with them once, then we were preparing the 2ndorder, that was before Chinese Spring Festival, we visited their factory, they rented  2buildings, and their location is in industrial park, everything looked normal and fine;

Then we paid deposit before the Spring Festival, factory agreed to deliver after the holiday, it’s quite normal, coz the workers are all need to go back to their hometown to get together with their family, it’s a tradition in China;

After holiday, we were calling them and chatting with them online, nobody was answering the phone and any instant communications, the deposit was USD.2,150,  they just got the deposit then gone, the building has moved empty after that;



