Building a Process Model-Compili
让我们思考用户如何正确使用变换工具。在本例中思考下图所示。这个例子显示蓝点经过分段线性逼近后形成的蓝线绿点单调增加(函数)测量值。红色矩形内的表是用于生成近似的变换表。此时如果测量值是X =4.5(工程单位),此表将把测量值大致变换为Y =2.8(变换单位)。后者的值将传递给控制计算。

要启动编译过程,单击Model Builder(模型构建器)树部分的Compile(编译)。

Model(模型) 模型名称。
Action(操作量) 操作变量的数量。
Measured(可测量量) 可测量干扰变量的数量。
Unmeasured(不可测量量) 不可测干扰的数量。
Outputs(输出) 模型输出的数量。
Transfer(变换) 模型中传递函数的数量。
Generate new Unmeasured Disturbance Model(生成新的不可测干扰模型) 选中此单选按钮使得SMOCPro在编译过程中生成新的不可测量干扰。
Update existing Unmeasured Disturbance Model(更新现有的不可测干扰模型) 选中此单选按钮使得SMOCPro在编译过程中更新丢失的不可测量干扰。
Model Control Period(模型控制周期) 控制器中使用的模型的控制周期。
Compile Button(编译按钮) 单击完成模型编译。
注:通过选择“Generate new Unmeasured Disturbance Model(生成新的不可测量干扰模型)”,SMOCPro将移除现有的不可测干扰。当你想保持自己的不可测干扰模型不被修改,需避免使用此选项。


Let us consider the user proper use of the transform tool. For this example, consider the following figure. The example shows the monotonically increasing (function) measurements in green with the blue line being the resulting piecewise linear approximation. The table in the red rectangle is the Transform table used to generate the approximation. Here, if a measurement comes in at X=4.5 (Engineering Units), this table will transform that measurement into roughly Y=2.8 (Transformed Units). This latter value is the one passed to the control calculation.
Compiling the Model
Any (and all) model must be compiled in the workspace before being suitable for controller design (controller model) and/or for simulation purposes (controller and/or simulation models). The compile operation serves two purposes: first, it validates the designed model and second, it post-processes the graphical model (GMB).
To start the compilation process, click Compile on the Model Builder section of the tree.
Compile Model Window Fields and Button
Model The name of the model.
Action The number of manipulated variables.
Measured The number of measured disturbances.
Unmeasured The number of unmeasured disturbances.
Outputs The number of model outputs.
**Transfer **The number of transfer functions in the model.
Generate new Unmeasured Disturbance Model Select this radio button to have SMOCPro generate new unmeasured disturbances during the compilation process.
Update existing Unmeasured Disturbance Model Select this radio button to have SMOCPro append all missing unmeasured disturbances during the compilation process.
Model Control Period The execution period of the model used in the controller.
Compile Button Click to perform the compilation of the model.
There are two notes worth highlighting:
NOTE: By selecting “Generate new Unmeasured Disturbance Model”, SMOCPro REMOVES the existing Unmeasured Disturbances. Avoid this option when you want to keep your own modifications of the Unmeasured Disturbance Model.
NOTE: Any and all model errors stop the compile process. If you encounter an error message, pay attention to the recommendations and address the issue.
Model Plot
After model compilation has been performed, click on the Plot node in the tree to display the plots of the model responses to either steps or impulses.
The plot window is split between three tabs depending on the type of inputs: Action Responses (MV), Measured Disturbance Responses (DV) and Unmeasured Disturbance Responses (UNM). Adjusting the dividers between the rows and columns changes the size of the plot windows. A pop-up zoomed in plot window for each input-output model can be opened by double-clicking on the cell of interest. Single clicking on the plot closes the pop-up window.