

2019-03-12  本文已影响8人  风山水一17

Today,I write something to a super star .That is my favorite man now,he comes from Italian,and he also can use English and French.

I think a little time,about what language I will talk with him,the last,I think I have to write English,because he write English in micro-blog,and I just understand a little English too.

When I'm writing,I feeling very mysterious,I can't describe that feeling,like I use another language write,so I use another language think.

Mikelangelo Loconte told in once Interview,he said he so far can't say French very pure,although he study with specialized French teacher,but he still need very serious to speak French when he was on stage.So now,he doesn't care about his French accented.He think  emotion and serious performance is important than the standard French.

I think so.so even if my English isn't very good,I still want write to him.I don't know French,I don't know Italian,so even if I just know a little English,I write to him.and I believe,love is important more than words.

Love is the greatest magic in all of the world.

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