Mark Zuckerberg secret code of s

2018-07-19  本文已影响0人  探花磨刀石

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook. Here are his 10 rules for success. (This is only for for personal learning purpose of English)

Mark Zuckerberg secret code of success (小扎的成功之路)

1:Focus on it

You get what you spend time on it.Put your productive time on the most important things.

2:Get feedback

A trandition employee can raise question in the Q&A in Facebook each week.We really believe in openess and communication.

3:Make mistakes

the important thing is actually learning quickl from whatever mistake you make and not giving up.You just have to keep running thrugh the walls.

4:Only hire people whoyou would work for

There is a saying the A people hire A people,B people hire C people.

5:Make a change in the world

The best entrepreneurs do not want to start a company because their goalis to build a company. They do it because they want to change the world and help people. if you focus on kind of power through no matter what challenges are that will inevitably come up into a path.

6:Learn from other people around you

That is one of his heuristics for hiring people.

7:Build a really good team

8:Give the best exprience.

9:Care the most about it

there are so many other people have more resource which is able to do it. Why you can be the one to do it? To become the peoson care it most. Feel in our gut and heart that we really want to do it.

10:social bond is critical


