
大师游戏II 157~享受现在

2021-10-01  本文已影响0人  心水

今天是大师游戏第157天星期五国庆节,继续读《Dark NLP》

One way in which Dark NLP is able to satisfy your present is by giving you permission to unlock your truest, deepest desires, the ones you really have, not the ones you feel socially pressured into proclaiming.

Dark NLP通过解锁你内心真正的渴望让你对现在满意。

There is a method by which you can explore your deepest desires through a series of simple but powerful questions.


First, you should ask yourself how you would spend a free day if no one else were around to see it.



Second, you should think about how you would spend a lottery win if no one knew what you would buy



Finally, you should ask yourself which crime you would commit if you were guaranteed to get away with it and no one would ever find out.


By giving honest answers to the above questions, you will see what your real desires are. The power of the questions is it requires you to think in a way that takes the judgment of other people out of the equation. By doing this you allow yourself to express what it is you truly want.


Once you have figured out your true desire, think about it on a deeper level. For example, think of a situation in which you had uncovered your deepest desire was to have more money. If this was the case, you should think about what the money represents for you. Perhaps it would represent a greater sense of freedom.



If that was the case, you should combine both the desire itself and its deeper representation into a mantra. An example using this situation would be “I will acquire money and I will experience freedom.” You can then incorporate repetitions of these mantras into your daily routines. It is important to try to feel the emotions while saying the mantras.



By reciting these regularly, you train your brain to focus on attracting your deepest desires.


You can also use your increased emotional perception and understanding that comes with Dark NLP practice to figure out which activities in your life give you the best results at different times. For example, it is likely that you use a series of different methods to relax. Perhaps sometimes you go for a walk, other times you mediate.


It is essential to figure out the physical triggers which stimulate your peak states. Some people for example respond well to building a routine in which they listen to a song that pumps them up while thinking of their past achievements. They may also adopt a particular physical pose while doing this.



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