1.Trust is the key to any relationship。信任是相处的基石。
2.There's a future worth fighting for.未来来值得我们为之奋斗。
3.We are always stronger together.团结力量大。
4.Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.手足情深。
5.Love comes in at the eyes.爱只需一个眼神就能体会。
6. Discovery requires experimentation.不断实验才能有所发现。
7.Every day is a chance to learn something new.每天都是学习新事物的好时机。
8.It's autumn time.秋天到了。
9.Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love.经历过痛苦的离别,才知晓爱意的深远。
10.Every life matters.每个生命都弥足珍贵。
11.We gotta try.我们总得试试看。
12.Love is always there if you just open yourself to it.如果你敞开心扉,就能发现爱从未走远.
13.We cannot allow fear to drive us from our purpose.我们不能因恐惧而背离初心。
14.If you want the rainbow, you have to deal with the rain.不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。
15.Be grateful for what you got.要感激你所拥有的一切。
16.Will is the source of your strength.意志力是力量之源。
17.They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops.人们说,当你遇到挚爱时,连时间也会停止。
18.Childhood doesn't last.童年转瞬即逝。
19.In nature, everything is linked.自然万物,息息相关。
20.Do not live by somebody else's rules.Live by your own.别被他人的规矩束缚,要用自己的方式生活。
21.The price of excellence is eternal vigilance.欲为人杰,必先警醒。
22.You can't love someone without making yourself open to their problems, their fears.
23.Summer soon gives way to autumn, and the nights start getting longer again.夏秋更迭,夜色渐长。
24.A man gets what he earns, when he earns it.能力决定收益。
25.Go, live your dream.去吧,去实现你的梦想。
26.You are better than you think you are.你比自己想象中更优秀。
27.True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes.真友谊不要用眼睛看,要用心去感受。
28.Everyone can be superheroes.人人都能成为超级英雄。
29.Work hard to make something as meaningful and beautiful as you can.尽你所能,做些美好而有意义的事。
30.The future is our time.未来属于我们。
31.Poor and content is rich and rich enough.安于清贫自乐,方为真正富有。