2018-10-23 敏捷实践—Set Based Design
敏捷实践—Set Based Design
“Have a fixed set of requirements is an illusion of certainty”
2)现在的design option是最优的吗?为什么?
SBD maintains multiple requirements and design options for a longer period in the development cycle. As the timeline advances, SBD uses empirical data to narrow the focus on the final design option. Through this approach, one can assume variability, preserve options for as long as possible, providing maximum flexibility. Conversely, point-based design commits to a set of requirements and a single design strategy too early in the process. It often leads to late discoveries that require substantial rework as the deadline approaches. This may require shortcuts, quality compromises, and—worse—missed program commitments and deadlines. Using the Continuous Delivery Pipeline to provide feedback and learning along with SBD is often the optimal approach.
Employing SBD along with the teams, the System Architect/Engineering defines the subsystems and components for the solution and identifies architecture options for each. The teams then explore multiple alternative concepts for each subsystem, filtering out options that provide less economic value, are flawed in some way that cannot meet the targets, or violate laws of physics, etc.
The teams explore set-based design alternatives, applying a hypothesis-driven Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach with a Lean Startup mindset. Design alternatives include hypotheses and assumptions. MVPs may also define experiments to gain the knowledge that allows teams to validate or invalidate those hypotheses, filter alternatives, and arrive at the optimal economic decision.
Of course, exploring multiple design options comes at a cost to develop and maintain those options, even if they are mostly model or paper-based. However, if there’s a high degree of innovation, variability, or immovable deadlines (e.g., the crop combine must ship in January), a set-based design may be the best choice. In this case, design efficiency depends on several factors:
> Flexibility – Preserving a broad set of design options for as long as possible;
> Cost – Minimizing the cost of multiple options through modeling, simulation, and prototyping;
> Speed – Facilitating learning through early and frequent validation of design alternatives.
BY 崔刚然 斩妖除魔净心田 :
1.这段文字体现的SAFe的精髓,几个核心原则都在里面:take economic view, multi option,确实是“文眼”所在;
2.然而,他有一个假设,就是“团队具备在PoC阶段就可以提前multi option的能力”,所有的团队都是这样吗?
3.我们回到“不确定性”本身,对于新生事物,整个“利益相关者的交易结构—即商业模式”都不明确的情况下,没有一个价值流段的人,能够“multi option,flexible arch.”,即便宣称有,也要打引号,此类不确定性太过不确定,
4.另外一类不确定性,即一个超大型或大型的组织,她所处的行业变化很快,组织的能力储备很全面,(也就是牛人一堆),但是组织管理方式的变化速度之加速度没有行业外部变化速度之加速度快,(对不确定性的表述用加速度更合理,因为一个大型企业由于其规模效益,速度基值很高,惯性很大,在存量型利益结构上有特殊的速度优势),但是资本,创新更看重加速度优势,基后发先至,加速度把新不确定性的发展速度逼近到和产业基值速度相当时,“利益相关者的交易结构”,就会被改变。应对这一类的不确定性,SAFe为规模化的组织开出了良药;PoC multi option是可行的,能力有,资金支持也有(当然,这个大企业更看重节流节省是相违背的);
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