相约青春华美 铸就生命成长 | Meet at C&A Shap

2020-10-13  本文已影响0人  你最美2019


Recently, Huamei Foreign Language School junior middle school parents meeting has been held as scheduled. All parents, students, teachers attended the meeting.


All the teachers, students and parents of grade 9 gathered in the school library.

首先,蔡敏主任做了《相约青春华美 铸就生命成长》的演讲。随后,她抛出了“我是谁”“我正在做什么”“我将去往何方”等问题,让学生了解我是中考人,正奔跑在去往梦想的中考路上,明确角色定位。此外,她从“机遇与挑战”“努力与梦想”两个方面与大家一起分享“深圳历年中考录取数据”“2021新中考的几大变化”“明年中考录取预估”,并向家长汇报了学校的备战策略和具体措施,同时希望家长做好温馨陪伴“三师”“三员”,为学生支了提分“三招”。全体师生、家长了解政策、形势,清晰差距,找到方向,树立信心,全力以赴,无问西东。互相信任,战无不胜。

All teachers and students, parents understand the policy, the situation, aware of the gap and direction, establish confidence, try their best without worries. Trust each other and believe they will prevail.


The parents' meeting was organized by class, presided by the homeroom teacher. Homeroom teacher introduced the educational concept, goal, management method and subject teachers. The teachers of each subject expounded the learning requirements and methods of this subject. After the meeting, parents and teachers had an exchange.


After the parents' meeting, the school resumed the meeting.


From the feedback, the parents agreed with the school's emphasis and measures on the graduating class, and they recognized the teaching of teachers and the education of students. They were very satisfied with the students' performance in school and the courses offered.


The whole department gathered strength and strived towards the goal with understanding and trust.

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