车棚森花 第2枝

2017-04-17  本文已影响0人  Vivian_n


(These days are special because we need to take messures to fit in with new changes. Different leaders were arranged to work with us, in oder to find something wrong immediately. Honestly speaking, I couldn't focus on my task because I had to deal with their words.)

FH又要出去玩,她给自己规划每个月去一个地方,过两天要和男朋友和男朋友的妈妈去平遥,下个月的计划则是去西安。(제친고 여행하겠습니다. )有的时候很佩服她,家在河北却几乎每次下班都要回家,来回通勤5个多小时,学唱歌、钢琴,会画图,喜欢打各种球,(도래하고 피아노를 치고 그림을 그립니다. )男朋友不被看好并且异地还能凭自己的感觉一直坚持。这次又张罗着一月一旅行,换班、查攻略,好一个努力实现自己规划的人。

(FH, one of my colleagues, is going to have a trip again. She plans to visit different places every month. This month she will going to Pingyao with boyfriend and his mother. Next month, she plans to visit Xi'an. Actually I admire her very much. Although her hometown lives in Hebei province, which is far away from the work place, she would like to take more than 5 hours to go home and get back to work. She is learning singing and playing the piano and good at drawing, playing volleyball and badminton. She is keeping a long-distance relationgship for she believes they love each other. Now, she is taking preparations for the plan. What a conscientious girl!


The second day of losing fat.

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