成长就是不断地丢弃与拾取 — 读The Glass Castle
花了一周时间,废寝忘食地读完Jeannett Walls的回忆录The Glass Castle(中译本名为《玻璃城堡》)。读368页的原版书,我通常用不了一周,更何况还是一有空就捧起读。之所以用了整整7天来读这本书,是因为很多段落写得太好、太美,我不由得要重读几遍,反复领略文字的精彩和真挚。
一个拥有价值百万美金的土地却坚持流浪街头的画家母亲Rose Mary,一个魅力超凡才华横溢却酗酒嗜赌的天才父亲Rex,四个聪明坚强的孩子,大女儿Lori,二女儿Jeannett,儿子Brian和最小的女儿Maureen,构成了Walls一家。
I never believed in Santa Claus. None of us kids did. Mom and Dad refused to let us. They couldn't afford expensive presents and they didn't want us to think we weren't as good as other kids who, on Christmas morning, found all sorts of fancy toys under the tree that were supposedly left by Santa Claus.
Dad had lost his job at the gypsum, and when Christmas came that year, we had no money at all. On Christmas Eve, Dad took each one of us kids out into the desert night one by one.
"Pick out your favorite star", Dad said.
"I like that one!" I said.
Dad grinned, "that's Venus", he said. He explained to me that planets glowed because reflected light was constant and stars twinkled because their light pulsed.
"I like it anyway" I said.
"What the hell," Dad said. "It's Christmas. You can have a planet if you want." And he gave me Venus.
爸爸让Jeannett在群星里挑出一颗最喜欢的,他要把那颗作为圣诞礼物送给她。“你不能给我一颗星星啊!星星又不是谁的!” “没错,它们不属于任何人。你必须抢在别人之前宣布你拥有它,就像那个拉丁老哥伦布宣布美洲是伊丽莎白女王的一样。” “那我要那一颗。” “那是金星”,爸爸对她说:“当太阳燃尽,地球变冷,这里的所有人都会想搬到金星上好变得暖和些。到时候,他们就得先要获得你后代的许可。”
Dad was lighting a cigarette. I waved, and he shoved his hands in his pockets, the cigarette dangling from his mouth, and stood there, slightly stoop-shouldered and distracted-looking. I wondered if he was remembering how he, too, had left Welch full of vinegar at age seventeen and just as convinced as I was now that he'd never return. I wondered if he was hoping that his favorite girl would come back, or if he was hoping that, unlike him, she would make it out for good.
I reached into my pocket and touched the horn-handled jackknife, then waved again. Dad just stood there. He grew smaller and smaller, and then we turned a corner and he was gone.
You should never hate anyone, even your worst enemies. Everyone has something good about them. You have to find the redeeming quality and love the person for that.
“Things usually work out in the end."
"What if they don't?"
"That just means you haven't come to the end yet.”
Life is a drama full of tragedy and comedy. You should learn to enjoy the comic episodes a little more.
When he arrived with Mom, he was carrying a large plastic garbage bag and had a small brown paper bag tucked under his arm. I assumed it was a bottle of booze, but then he opened the paper bag and turned it upside down. Hundreds of dollar bills - ones, fives, tens, twenties, all wrinkled and worn - spilled into my lap.
" There's nine hundred and fifty bucks," Dad said. He opened the plastic bag, and a fur coat tumbled out. "That there's mink. You should be able to pawn it for fifty, at least. "
" Dad," I said. " You guys need this money more than I do."
" It's yours," Dad said. " Since when is is wrong for a father to take care of his little girl?"
"But I can't." I looked at Mom.
She sat down next to me and patted my leg. "I've always believed in the value of a good education,' she said.
So, when I enrolled for my final year at Barnard, I paid what I owed on my tuition with Dad's wadde, crumpled bills.
正如每一个个体都是独一无二的,每一个家庭也都是独一无二的。也许我们的父母是“靠谱”的父母,也许我们从未经历过游牧式的生活,但我相信,我们的家庭也有自己的故事。虽然不像The Glass Castle这样充满着残酷和甜蜜的瞬间,但我们各自的故事也一定有着不同于其他的色彩。每个人都有故事,每个人都需要为自己的故事负责,我们是故事的创造者,我们也是故事的阅读者。