【汉化】YEP.186 – Weather In Battle
Weather does not appear in battles in RPG Maker MV by default. This causes a disconnect from entering a battle on a map with weather effects rolling in the background to a battle scene where the skies are suddenly devoid of such weather behavior. This plugin adds in the simple effect of making whatever weather that’s being played on the map also affect the weather played in battle. There’s also new functions to save weather settings and recall them for later in addition to a new action sequence for those using the Battle Engine Core plugin.
默认情况下,天气不会出现在RPG Maker MV的战斗中。这个插件增加了简单的效果,使地图上播放的任何天气也会影响战斗中的天气。还有一些新功能可以保存天气设置并在以后调用它们。
If you are using YEP_BattleEngineCore.js, place this plugin underneath it in the Plugin Manager’s plugin list.