ExaSMOC Online

A2. Functional Outline-2

2017-03-25  本文已影响3人  橡果

 控制周期

目标 规范
Main controller (主控制器) 10 - 3600 seconds *2
Sub controller(子控制器) 10 - 3600 seconds

 控制器名称

目标 规范
Main controller(主控制器) 最多10个字符。不允许使用空格。
Sub controller(子控制器) 主控制器名加子控制器名的总和最多为24个字符。只允许英文和数字。不允许使用空格。
Estimator(预估器) 最多10个字符。只允许英文和数字。不允许使用空格。

 Exasmoc客户端数量


 控制器控制状态

 主控制器状态

状态 过程状态
OFF SMOC控制器停止。
STANDBY 仅监视数据(模型正在更新)。
CONTROL 执行控制(不包括经济函数)。
OPTIMIZE 执行控制(包括经济函数)。

 子控制器状态

状态 处理状态
INANCTIVE 仅监控数据。无MV输出。
ACTIVE 执行控制。

 CALC计算状态

状态 处理状态
INANCTIVE 仅进行数据监控,无计算输出。
ACTIVE 执行计算。

 调整参数


 保存/恢复的时间

分类 定时 细节
固定时间 每15分钟自动保存。
单击“Save SMOC”按钮时 控制面板
Restore(恢复) 启动时

 调整参数目标数据


 定义文件


 在线整定

在线整定是一个在Exasmoc侧重建SMOC控制器模型的功能。 重建模型保存在定义文件中。 在线整定请求通过请求操作在SMOC系统控制面板上执行。在在线整定功能中,模型重建后,重建模型在操作过程中重新读取并反映在SMOC控制器的运行中。


 Control Period

Object Specification
Main controller 10 - 3600 seconds *2
Sub controller 10 - 3600 seconds
*2. Slower period than that of the sub controller cannot be specified.

 Controller Name

Object Specification
Main controller Up to 10 characters. Space is not allowed
Sub controller Sum of Main Controller name plus Sub Controller name is up to 24 characters. Only English and numeric. Space is not allowed
Estimator Up to 10 characters. Only English and numeric Space is not allowed

 Number of Exasmoc Client

5 or less are recommended.

 Controller Control Status

 Main controller status

Status Processing state
OFF SMOC controller' stops
STANDBY Only data monitoring (The model is being updated.)
CONTROL On control execution (An economic function is not included.)
OPTIMIZE On control execution (An economic function is included.)

 Sub controller status

Status Processing state
INANCTIVE Only data monitoring. No MV output.
ACTIVE On control execution

 CALC calculation status

Status Processing state
INANCTIVE Only data monitoring and calculation No output
ACTIVE On calculation execution

 Tuning Parameter

The SMOC controller saves the parameter during operation in the definition file described later, and sets the value saved in the file as an initial value when it is restarted.

 Timing of Save/Restore

The tuning parameters can be saved and restored according to the following timing.
Classification Timing Details
Save When the mode is changed STANDBY ->CONTROL/OPTIMIZE
When the mode is changed CONTROL ->STANDBY/OPTIMIZE
When the mode is changed OPTIMIZE ->STANDBY/CONTROL
At termination STANDBY ->OFF
At Fixed period Automatic saving of 15 minute period
When ‘Save SMOC’ button is clicked Control Panel
When it is started
When initialization is demanded
When online tuning is demanded

 Tuning Parameter Target Data

The target data for saving/restoring as the tuning parameter is all data that the value can be changed on HMI. However, the data allocated to the DCS tag is not the target of the tuning parameter.

 Definition file

Initialization is a function to reread the definition file to the SMOC controller during operation. The initialization demand is executed on the SMOC system control panel by the demand operation.

 Online Tuning

Online tuning is a function to reconstruct the model of the SMOC controller on the Exasmoc side. The restructured model is saved in the definition file. The online tuning demand is executed on the SMOC system control panel by the demand operation. In the online tuning function, after the model is restructured, the restructured model is reread and reflected in the operation of the SMOC controller during operation.


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