

2019-04-12  本文已影响1人  549673a76126


    1. 项目目标(objective / goal:)

    2. 项目中的角色 (PM / Project manager:)

    3. 项目可交付成果(Deliverables:),按照五大过程:启动(IN)、规划(PL)、执行(EX)、监控(MC)、收尾(CL) 中的工作来填写,简单概括你在5个过程中的主要工作任务,不用描述细节。比如,启动过程:执行项目评估,定义项目范围等。

    4. 简短的一句话概括整个项目。

(整个描述字数限制在330-550字符数以内,大约5-6行英文。超过字数无法上传PMI网站。如字数太多,请用五大过程组的缩写:IN、 PL、 EX、MC、 CL)


The goal of the project isto improve the efficiency of  picking in the warehouse, I'm the PM.



Demonstrate the feasibility of the project,

Quantify the expectations of all stakeholders,

Develop project chart,

Gain the officially authorized,

Determine the scope of the project,

Set up the success criteria of the project,

Identify the high-level risks, assumptions and  constraints,


Develop project promotion plan, budget plan, understand  customer requirements,

Draw up CAD diagram,

Choose supplier and make purchasing plan,

Make construction plan,

Establish project organizational structure,

Identify project team members,

Define roles and responsibilities,

Establish the WBS,

Develop budget, schedule, resources, quality and  procurement plan,

Establish risk control strategies,

Develop risk management plans,

Start the meeting with all key stakeholders,

Develops a change management plan to define how changes  are handled,

Complete the final project management plan and  performance measurement baseline,


Implement safety standard construction and report record,

Take collective measures to solve scene difficulty,

Sort out existing problems in construction and provide  solutions,

Organize and convoke the project progress meeting,

Ensure the resources and tools are actively allocated to  tasks ,

Execute the defined tasks,

Establish the regular communication meeting,

Adjust expectations of stakeholders and team members,

Improve the performance of team members,

Implement quality management plan,

Acquire the purchasing resources according to procurement  plan,

Execute the approved actions to minimize the impact of  project risk,

Implement incentives and penalties,


Supervise the construction and report the change,

Monitor project performance;

Monitor the status of being identified risks,

Take corrective actions to update risk,

Monitor the quality of the project deliverables,

Measure the team members' performance,


Test fiber,

Summarize project experience,

Collect project information,

Achieve the stakeholds’ recognition,

Record the lessons learned from the project,

Maintain the project records, historical informations and  documents,

Achieve the performance feedback,

Summarize the project’s result,

Establish and distribute the final project reports to all  stakeholders;

Measure the customers’ satisfaction,

Finally,  the efficiency of picking in the E-commerce warehouse has an increase of 20%.  We complete the project successfully on time according to the quality ,  quantity and cost.

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