B2-8 Family doctor

2021-01-16  本文已影响0人  jiaway

Hey,Rachel,I think I have a throat infection(发炎) infection.where can i get some antibiotics?
Oh,have you been to a doctor here before.
No,so I'm anxious about it because I donot know where I shoud go.
Well,many people have family doctors,but you don't necessarily need one.
Oh,so can I go straight to a specialist?
No,you can just see a gp,or regular doctor,at a walk-in clinic.
Walk-in clinic?So I don't need to an appointment?
It's better if you do,but you can just show up there,you just fill out your name,insurance and medical history,like allergies,then sit and wait for the next opening.
then when can I see a specialist?
You might not need one.The doctor will take a look,and if you need more specialized care,he'll give you a referral.
Oh,so then if I need medicine or drugs,do I pick them up at the doctors office?
No,the doctor will give write you a prescription,but you have to get it filled at a pharmacy.
Oh,sounds like a lot of work.
Not really.There's usually a pharmacy with a block of any doctor's office.

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