Another Person
After he left, Francesca stood before the bureau mirror, naked. Her hips flared only a little from the children, her breasts were still nice and firm, not too large, not too small, belly slightly rounded. She couldn't see her legs in the mirror, but she knew they were still good. She should shave more often, but there didn't seem much point to it.
Richard was interested in sex only occasionally, every couple of months, but it was often fast, rudimentary and unmoving, and he didn't seem much about perfume or shaving or any of that. It was easy to get a little sloppy.
She was more of a business partner to him than anything else. Some of her appreciated that.But rustling yet within her was another person who wanted to bathe and perfume herself……and be taken, carried away, and peeled back by a force she could sence, but never articulate, even dimly within her mind.