

2015-09-16  本文已影响0人  bc9d3c6655cf

故事,你跑到哪里去啊? 你为什么离开了我? 我是否虐待了你?破坏你的情节逻辑呢? 不走向你必然的结论? 还是你以为我对你不忠,跟其它的故事发生关系?我到底是犯了什么罪?


每天我没事做, 我只能从第一页跑到第二百页, 连一个卑贱的标点符号都没有。。。




To The Story of My Life:

Why have you left me?

If you think I misused you, show me how-

Did I confuse your plot, defuse your drama,

Or defect into another genre?  No, and now

I am just a single word, alone in an empty book

Even the footnotes have flown away

Even the title has departed

And my single word is no pun at all.

But I tell you, you are not the only story in the world!

I could be in Hamlet!

I could be in King Lear!

I could be in Othello!  I’ve had offers!

However, we have already been together

On so many endeavors

And for so many years

That we are almost one.

If you come back, if you accept my repentance,

I will serve my function, your diction and your tone,

I will stick to the script, making your words my sentence,

And your fiction my own.

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