学术上,目前更喜欢将其称作Locally weighted regression
LOWESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing) :
methods that combine multiple regression models in a k-nearest-neighbor-based meta-model. LOESS is a later generalization of LOWESS; although it is not a true acronym, it may be understood as standing for "LOcal regrESSion"
nonparamatric regresion中的一种
通常情况下的线性拟合不能很好地预测所有的值,因为它容易导致欠拟合(under fitting),比如数据集是一个钟形的曲线。一个方法是多项式或者其它函数如正余弦等等,多项式甚至能拟合所有数据,但是在预测新样本的时候又会变得很糟糕,因为它导致模型的过拟合(overfitting),不符合数据背后的“逻辑”。
2.1 预测问题
如果坚持要使用参数学习算法(paramtric learning algorithm),可能你要不停的去调试,根据数据集绘出的图像,半观察半猜测要不要加个自变量的平方项,或者自变量的三角函数等等,作为新的回归算子加入,总之一直尝试,直到一些评价指标上拟合效果较好了,于是你得到特征和参数向量。
2.2 Loess/Lowess/Locally weighted linear regression
LOESS and LOWESS thus build on "classical" methods, such as linear and nonlinear least squares regression. They address situations in which the classical procedures do not perform well or cannot be effectively applied without undue labor. LOESS combines much of the simplicity of linear least squares regression with the flexibility of nonlinear regression. It does this by fitting simple models to localized subsets of the data to build up a function that describes the deterministic part of the variation in the data, point by point. In fact, one of the chief attractions of this method is that the data analyst is not required to specify a global function of any form to fit a model to the data, only to fit segments of the data.
The trade-off for these features is increased computation. Because it is so computationally intensive, LOESS would have been practically impossible to use in the era when least squares regression was being developed. Most other modern methods for process modeling are similar to LOESS in this respect. These methods have been consciously designed to use our current computational ability to the fullest possible advantage to achieve goals not easily achieved by traditional approaches.
A smooth curve through a set of data points obtained with this statistical technique is called a Loess Curve, particularly when each smoothed value is given by a weighted quadratic least squares regression over the span of values of the y-axis scattergram criterion variable. When each smoothed value is given by a weighted linear least squares regression over the span, this is known as a Lowess curve; however, some authorities treat Lowess and Loess as synonyms.
其中一个方法是局部加权线性回归(Locally weighted Linear Regression,LWLR).在该算法中,我们给待遇测点附近的每一个点赋予一定的权重;