The world in 2019:The Chinese ar

2018-12-21  本文已影响0人  Becky_a21c
Cuddly QR

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①Then it tied up with Alipay, keen to serve the 300,000-400,000 Chinese tourists who visit Father Christmas and other attractions each year. ②It realised that QR codes would work for its own product as well. ③Alexander Yin of ePassi says he would travel with a selection of QR-code print-outs and two smartphones. ④Merchants he approached would at first be apprehensive, but soon see the system’s attractions. ⑤In 2018 ePassi announced a tie-up with Nordea, the biggest bank in the Nordic countries, to offer a QR-code-based mobile-payment system more widely.




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①Some people may resist the QR revolution. ②But China is coming for them, too, in the shape of China UnionPay, a state-controlled firm that dominates China’s payment-card market. ③Already its cards are accepted by more than 41m merchants and 2m ATMs in 170 countries. ④And it is planning a big overseas push.




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