
2019-06-12  本文已影响0人  bobolive


TnL or T&L, short for Transform and Lighting it refers to a hardwarefeature found on some graphics cards. TnL is separate engines on the GPU that enable extremely high polygon count scenes. With TnL technology some or all of the 3-D information normally processed by the computer processoris processed by the GPU. Transform performance determines how complex objects can be and how many can appear in a scene without sacrificing frame rate. Lighting techniques add to a scene's realism by changing the appearance of objects based on light sources.

Also see Understanding Video and Graphics Adapters in Webopedia's "Did You Know...?" section.

AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port)

计算机主板上的一种高速点对点传输通道,供显卡使用,主要应用在三维计算机图形的加速上。AGP是在1997年由Intel提出,是从PCI标准上创建起来,是一种显卡专用接口。推出原因是为了消除PCI在处理3D图形时的瓶颈。AGP通常会被视为计算机总线的一种,但这样的分法严格来说是错误的;因为一组总线可容许多个设备共享,而AGP却不是。AGP不能多个插槽共享一组总线。一些主板设有多条独立的AGP插槽,现时AGP已基本被PCI Express所取代。

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