2020-04-27 本文已影响0人
- 学会elsevier latex template 命令的功能
- 提取paper的框架
- 学会makeup language的使用方法
- elsevier.com/latex
- have checked
- elsevier-tmplate
- *.tex:latex主文件
- *.bib:参考文献索引,包含,title,page,volume,doi,etc。
- *.bst: 类似于package,里边包含各种自定义函数
- *.psy 猜测是定义头文件
- 根据source分布,提取,定位需要的 label信息
- 若信息不存在,提示:行号,那个信息不存在
- 若已经找到DOI,尝试将信息不全的doi集中显示,以方便补全信息。
- 框架
- 行内数学模式与显示数学模式的区别
\documentclass[review]{elsarticle} % 对应review???
\usepackage{lineno,hyperref} % 行号,和调用refs
%\modulolinenumber[5] % 显示行号的范围, 目测自定义函数 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\journal{Journal of \LaTeX\ Templates}
% 含有多种 bibliographystyle ,including, numbered, harvard, Vancouver, APA, AMA
\title{Elsevier \LaTeX\ template\tnoteref{mytitlenote}} % 内部函数
\tnotetext[mytitlenote]{Fully documented templates are available in the elsarticle package on \href{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsarticle}{CTAN}.}
\author{elsevier\fnref{myfootnote}} % 设置脚注??
\address{Radarweg} %设置地址
\fntext[myfootnote]{Since 1880.}
\author[mymainaddress,mysecondaryaddress]{Elsevier Inc}
\ead[url]{www.elsevier.com} % email address
\author[mysecondaryaddress]{Global Customer Service\corref{mycorrespondingauthor}}
\cortext[mycorrespondingauthor]{Corresponding author}
\address[mymainaddress]{1600 John F Kennedy Boulevard, Philadelphia} % 主地址
\address[mysecondaryaddress]{360 Park Avenue South, New York} % 第二个地址
%% abstract
This template helps you to create a properly formatted \LaTeX manuscript.
\begin{keyword} % keyword
\texttt{elsarticle.cls}\sep \LaTeX\sep Elsevier \sep template % typewrite style
\MSC[2010] 00-01 \sep 99-00
& & \\
& & \\
\linenumbers % 与lineno搭配使用
\section{Introduction} %设置 section
% emph{} 斜体, \Latex 内部变量, \_ 将空格转义
\paragraph{Installation} class \emph{elsarticle} \LaTeX installation
\paragraph{Usage} Once % pargraph 另起一段
\paragraph{Functionlity} Elsevier article class $a=\frac{1}{2}$
% test for [\\]
% test for $$
\begin{itemize} % 无序list
\item document style
\item baselineskip
\item front matter
\item keywords and MSC codes % material safety code
\item theorems, definition, proof
\item[test] labels of enumerations % test相当于额外添加,特殊处理
\item citation style and labeling
\section{Front matter}
The author names and affiliations could be formatted in two ways:
% 有序列表
\item per affiliation
\item footnotes
\paragraph test % paragraph 作用,首个对象特殊处理
% 自动处理格式
see the front matter of this document for examples.
\section{bibliography styles}\label{sec:bib}
There are various bibliography
Use Bib\TeX\ to generate your bibliography and include DOIs whenever available
\section*{References}\label{sec:Ref} % *表示不显示标号
test for refs \cite{Feynman1963118,Dirac1953888}
%\section*{Tick}\label{sec:tt} % *表示不显示标号,无标号不显示
%test for no number tick
% ok for label of section ~\ref{sec:Ref} and ~\ref{sec:bib} % ref出现问题?? ref没有设置 标号
\bibliography{mybibfile} % 存在代码更新数据不更新问题,重启更新run.log
author = {author},
title = {title},
journal = {journal},
year = {year},
OPTkey = {key},
OPTvolume = {volume},
OPTnumber = {number},
OPTpages = {pages},
OPTmonth = {month},
OPTnote = {note},
OPTannote = {annote},